Mom shakes her head, ignoring him, her focus on me. “We have something for you.”


We all turn our heads and watch as a group of girls approaches my brother. They’re all cute and staring at him like he’s a celebrity. The grin on Callahan’s face tells me he’s eating this shit up.

I don’t blame him.

“Go on,” Dad tells him. “Talk to your fans.”

Mom laughs. Cal’s cheeks turn red, but he does as Dad says. This kid is going to turn into a total player.

“What do you want to give me?” I’m clueless over what this is about. They’re acting mysterious. Wanting to give me something out on the football field after a game? It seems kind of odd.

Dad approaches, reaching into his front pocket and pulling out a tiny velvet gift bag. “This is for you.”

He hands the black bag to me and I take it, staring at it for a moment. “What is it?”

“Open it and find out,” Mom encourages.

I undo the drawstring and reach inside, feeling a chain. Grabbing hold of it, I pull it out to find a gold necklace with a pendant hanging from it.


“My father gave me that and I eventually gave it to your mom,” Dad explains. “Over the summer, your mom found it in her jewelry box and said she wanted to give it to you since you’re number one now.”

I stare at the pendant lying in my hand. The gold shines brightly against my palm, like it was just polished, and I curl my fingers around it, clutching it tightly. “I love it. Thank you.”

“Maybe if you ever meet a girl who steals your heart, you can give it to her like your dad gave it to me,” Mom says, her voice soft. She’s always been a total romantic. “I wore that necklace proudly for years. Throughout your dad’s football career.”

I remember her wearing it. I’ve seen photos. At one point, I even wanted it, but eventually I forgot about it.

“This means a lot.” I clear my throat, suddenly feeling a little choked up. “I wanna wear it now.”

“I’ll help you,” Dad says because he’s tall enough to do the clasp, and for Mom, I’d have to be on my knees for her to put it on me.

Within seconds the chain is secured around my neck, the pendant outside of my jersey for everyone to see. I reach for it, skimming my fingers over the number one when I spot her.

Willow. She’s with her parents and Iris, surrounding Rowan while some random person takes their photos. As if she can feel me watching her, she turns her head to the right, our gazes locking, and she smiles at me.

I smile right back, my heart threatening to gallop straight out of my chest. This fucking girl.

“Who’s that?” Mom asks, her voice low.

Guess she caught me staring.

Turning to face her, I admit, “The girl I want to see wearing this someday.”

I tap the pendant and Mom smiles, her gaze filled with emotion. “She’s pretty.”

“She’s a Lancaster.”

Dad chuckles. “Always aiming high, aren’t you, Rhett?”

“I want to meet her,” Mom says.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” Mom appears vaguely offended.