“Like I said, lift your shirt and he’ll definitely pay attention.”

“I’m not about to get busted. I don’t want Rhett’s attention that badly.”

More laughter accompanied by running water and shuffling feet. Someone must pull out a perfume bottle because the scent is so strong, it makes my nose twitch and I eventually sneeze.

The girls go quiet and they don’t speak until I finally flush the toilet and emerge from the stall.

I don’t recognize any of them. They all seem really young and their faces are covered with heavy makeup. The moment they notice me, they completely dismiss me, chatting amongst themselves once again as I go to the sink and wash my hands, contemplating if I should say something to them or not.

“You don’t have to worry about trying to get Rhett Bennett’s attention,” I finally say, the words leaving me without thought.

One of the girls makes a huffing noise. “What do you know about Rhett?”

“I’m his girlfriend,” I tell them with a blissful smile, tossing my paper towel in the trash before I exit the bathroom, the door slamming behind me just as I hear them erupt into loud conversation.

Oh my God, it felt good to say that. Even if it’s not quite true. What does it matter? Who are they going to tell? They look like a bunch of freshmen anyway.

I make my way back toward the snack bar when I spot Iris standing just ahead of me, her arms full of snacks and drinks, a cheesy grin on her face. I rush to her and take some of the load she’s carrying.

“Want to hear what I just did?” I ask her as we start making our way back to the stands.

“Please tell me.”

“I told a bunch of freshmen girls who were talking about flashing Rhett their boobs that he was my boyfriend.”

Iris bursts out laughing, which makes me laugh too. “You did not.”

“I did. And it felt good to say it too. Shut them right up.”

“Look at you.” Iris shakes her head.

“What do you mean?”

“I feel like you’re making your way back.”

“I would’ve never said that sort of thing before. I don’t even know what possessed me.” Which is the honest to God truth.

“Maybe you’re manifesting it. Putting it out into the world could make it come true,” Iris says.

In my dreams.

“Look, there’s your boyfriend.”

She inclines her head toward the field, and I see that our football team is out there in two lines, running through drills just like the opposing team did during the JV game. My gaze immediately finds Rhett, not that it’s difficult for me. I’ve come to recognize the shape of his body. His height. The breadth of his shoulders.

Helps too that I remember his jersey number. One. Because of course it is.

“We should hurry,” I tell Iris, and she laughs when I shoot past her and slide into our aisle. We settle in as the announcer begins to speak, my dad taking a greedy bite of his hot dog while Mom sips on her water. Iris and I split a slice of pizza since they’re so huge and I eat my portion but slowly because my appetite has faded, replaced once again with nervousness.

By the time the team is out on the sideline and the national anthem is being sung by a student standing in the middle of the field, I’m giddy with excitement. And when Rhett glances up in the stands, his gaze locking with mine, he holds up his hand, pointing at me.

My heart stutters to a halt before it seems to trip over itself. I smile at him.

He smiles back.

Oh God.