“If you do happen to see her, you’ll be polite like you always are and make small talk with her while mentally cursing her out the entire time. Don’t worry about it.” Now it’s Dad’s turn to soothe Mom and I can tell it’s working. Her body was completely rigid only seconds ago and now she’s visibly more relaxed, her shoulders lowering as the tension seeps out of her.

“You’re right. That’s exactly what I’ll do.” Mom nods, and this time she’s accepting of the kiss Dad delivers to her, right on the lips.

I turn away, shrugging at Iris who seems highly amused by the entire interaction. I can’t blame her. That was a wild moment to witness and shocking to see. But it was also a little refreshing, I can’t lie. Watching her get riled up about someone from her past.

Makes me think my feelings about Alana aren’t unwarranted after all. I’m always afraid of overreacting. My mother’s voice is often in my head when I’m in certain situations—how would she react? What would she do? I try to emulate her as much as possible, and I worried my anger and frustration with Alana was just me being petty. Even a little paranoid.

I had reason to feel betrayed. How can I be friends with her again after everything that’s happened? Not that she’s rushing over to reignite our friendship, but I wouldn’t put it past her if she and Silas are truly broken up. She doesn’t really have any other friends, and while I feel sorry for her, I don’t necessarily want her back in our fold either.

Sitting up straighter, I check the field just in time to watch Row make a spectacular pass, the ball landing in a receiver’s hands before the boy runs the ball into the end zone. The entire crowd starts cheering, including me, and I share a smile with Iris, proud of my brother.

Tonight is going to be a good night.



“Did you see that play I made?” Cal asks me once he comes off the field, whipping his helmet off and wearing a big ol’ dopey grin on his face. “It was fucking magical.”

“Good job,” I tell him, holding out my hand so we can do that intricate handshake thing we made up when we were little. “You guys are killing it.”

“Thank God.” Cal groans after taking a giant drink of water. His hair is sticking up haphazardly all over his head and he’s sweating like a mofo, but he looks genuinely happy. “We kind of sucked ass last year.”

I say nothing because I don’t feel like rubbing salt in the wound that is the JV team’s disastrous last season. They were an uncoordinated mess and their coaching staff worked extra hard to slap them into shape, especially that last month of summer when they had mandatory practices. We did too but nothing as intense as what they had going on.

“Hey, hey, there’s my superstars.”

We both turn to watch as our dad approaches us, a big ol’ grin on his face and his arms spread wide. He wraps us both up in a three-way hug, Callahan ducking out of it after about five seconds. This allows me to full on embrace my old man because damn, I’m always glad to see him. Cal is still going through teenage angst bullshit, which means he doesn’t want anyone to see him being affectionate with our father.

Me? I’m like bring it on. Eli Bennett is the real superstar and my inspiration since I was a freaking toddler and ran around the backyard with a football tucked under my arm. All I’ve ever wanted is to be like him so bad. I want everything he’s got and more. And he’s been right there with me every step of the way as I work toward my goals, encouraging me and believing in me. My mom too. I might’ve been mad when we moved to the East Coast for my dad to take the new coaching job, but he did it for us too.

“Ready for your game?” he asks me once we’ve pulled away from each other.

I stare at his face, noting for about the millionth time that I look so much like him, it’s like staring into a mirror of the future. The only difference is my eyes are a little greener like Mom’s and my hair is a little darker, which I get from the Callahan side of the family.

“I don’t think I can be any more ready than I am,” I admit. My body is vibrating with the need to get out onto the field. We’re lucky Coach let a few of us seniors stand on the sideline of the JV game. I pled my case by wanting to watch my brother play and that is ninety percent of the reason why I’m down here.

The other ten percent has to do with me about to do a casual scan of the stands and see if Willow is here like she said she would be.

“You’re going to play great,” Dad says, the sincerity ringing in his voice, calming my slightly frazzled nerves. We all deserve someone to believe in us like my dad believes in me. “Cal is looking good too. He caught that ball perfectly.”

“Yeah, he did.” I nod in agreement, quickly glancing over my shoulder. I spot Bronwyn, that chick who’s a junior and is always hanging out with Willow and Iris, but otherwise, that’s it.

“The QB is pretty good too. Isn’t the same one the JV team had last year. Right?”

“Row replaced him,” I say, watching as the JV defensive line holds the other team solidly. “The team is looking way better this season.”

“Yeah, they are. This ought to be a good season.” Dad smiles. “For the both of you.”

We talk for a few minutes, Cal ditching us because he needs to focus on his team and listen to his coaches. Dad starts yapping at one of them and they eat up everything he says because the man brings with him a ton of experience. I’d listen to him too.

I do.

But in this moment, I’m over playing it cool and I blatantly turn around and face the crowd, scanning the stands more thoroughly on the hunt for Willow. I finally spot her about halfway up, sitting with who I can only assume are her parents. The older woman sitting next to her is a dead ringer for Willow and the man sitting on the other side of her gives me Rowan vibes. Iris is sitting with them as well, and she and Will are currently engrossed in a deep conversation.

I watch them, willing Willow to look my way. If she does without any prompting from me, I know we’re meant to be together. She needs to feel my vibe. My eyes watching her.

Come on, baby. Feel me.