I don’t mean to sound so hostile, but I’m sick of the roadblocks that are thrown at me from every angle, especially the ones from Willow herself.

“I don’t have a problem with it,” Rowan says slowly, as if he’s thinking over everything I just said. “What does Willow think?”

“She’s not into me,” I reply.

“Did she tell you that?”

Damn it, yes, she did. “Sort of.”

“But she’s coming to your game.”

“It’s a football game, Row. There’s nothing else going on tonight. Everyone is coming.” I’m trying to rationalize this idea with myself so I don’t get my hopes up. Too late though.

They’re up. As high as the fucking sky.

“You told her you’ll throw a touchdown for her,” Row points out.

“That was just some corny shit.” I’m trying to play it off.

“Sounded pretty serious to me.”

These fucking Lancasters are too smart for their own good. “I’m flirting with her, not that she gets it.”

“Well, don’t forget to treat my sister with respect,” Row practically demands. “She’s a good girl.”

“I know.” I nod as we walk along the path that leads to the stadium, my mind filled with nothing else but her. I can hear Coach blowing his whistle, a couple guys are yelling, and I know my head should be in the game. This is an important night. “I know.”

We’re quiet for a moment and only when we’re walking through the stadium’s front gates does Row speak again.

“Want to get in good with my sister?”

“Definitely.” This is the type of information I didn’t expect and desperately need.

“Get close to our family. It’s the most important thing to her. To all of us,” Row explains. “You’re already ahead of the game since we’re friends.”

“Yeah?” I slap him on the back, making him grunt. “I appreciate you, man. Truly.”

Row laughs. “You owe me.”

“I do,” I agree without hesitation.

His advice is great and all, but I have an immediate situation here that I need to take care of. All I can think about is Will. I can envision her sitting in the stands, wearing that sweet smile when I look up at her after I throw the first touchdown. She might even be blushing. And I’ll be grinning, knowing I did it all for her.

I’d do anything for her.



I can’t stop thinking about what Rhett said to me before my brother showed up. It felt as if he poured his heart out to me, his words raw and his voice hoarse. Like it took everything out of him to make that confession, but he was still brave enough to do it.

The look on his face when he said it is embedded in my memory. The way he watched me, never looking away once. No one has ever spoken to me like that before. Ever.

He was dead serious, and while I sit here and get all dreamy over his romantic declaration, I know deep in my soul that I’ll have to reject him yet again. Westscott won’t stand for it.

“You’re in a weird mood,” Iris calls from the bathroom as we’re getting ready for the game together in her room.

“What do you mean?” I’m standing in front of her full-length mirror, checking my outfit. Jeans and a Lancaster Lions T-shirt I picked up in the student store earlier today and white Chanel sneakers on my feet because my mom gave them to me for my birthday this summer and I rarely wear them, which makes me feel guilty. She’ll be here tonight, so she’ll see them and that’ll make her happy.