She nods. “Oh, definitely. I’m really close to my mom. She’s like my best friend. Well, besides Iris.”

“Does Iris hate me?” I can never get a read on that girl. She’s too unpredictable.

Same with the one standing in front of me.

“No, of course not. If Iris hated you, you’d know it.”

“Okay.” Not sure if I one hundred percent believe her, but I guess I’ll take her word for it.

“I’ve come to realize that you’re always running to my rescue,” she murmurs.

“Gladly,” I say without hesitation. “I will do anything to protect you, Will.”

She’s frowning, her delicate brows drawing together in confusion. “You don’t even know—”

“I know enough,” I tell her, cutting her off. “I know you enjoy reading that suck ass book in English and you feel sorry for that dead relative of yours with the creepy statue. I know you like to wear bows in your hair every day and that sexy red lipstick on your mouth and you always look fucking hot. I know you’re really smart and you have a great voice and you’re genuinely kind. I know you feel invisible sometimes and that’s probably because Iris is the louder Lancaster between the two of you, but I see you, Willow. I see you and I want to see more of you and I don’t know why you keep denying me the privilege. Because that’s what it would be—a privilege to be with you. To let everyone know that we’re together. Maybe I’m talking out my ass and I’m saying too much but I can’t keep it in any longer. I’ve never felt this way about a girl before.”

She’s frozen in place, the only thing moving is her chest, which rises and falls at a rapid pace, as if she’s breathing heavily. All from what I just said? I guess so. It was a lot. Probably too much.

Damn, I hope I didn’t mess everything up.

“I should go.” I glance just beyond her shoulder to see Row emerging from the building, a giant smile on his face as he heads in our direction. “Your brother is coming over here.”

“Oh.” She nods and turns to smile at him, and I wish she’d aim more of that sunshine on me. “Hey, Row. How are you?”

“Great. Ready for tonight’s game,” he answers with a smile.

“I’d wish you good luck, but I don’t think you need it. I’m sure you’ll crush them,” she says with all the confidence of a supportive sister.

Rowan pulls her into a quick hug, towering over her. They look alike, but not quite. Just enough to know they’re siblings. They have the same color hair and eyes. “Thanks. You coming to my game?”

“Of course,” she says with an enthusiastic nod. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Awesome. Mom and Dad will be there too.”

“They will?” She seems shocked. Like what, her parents didn’t let her know they were coming?

“They come to all my games, even the away ones.” Row smiles, reaching out to nudge her shoulder, giving her a little push though she doesn’t really move. “It’s nice to see them in the stands.”

“Mom never mentioned it to me. Though I haven’t talked to her all week,” Willow admits.

“She probably assumed you’d already know because I told you. I haven’t talked to you much either. Too much going on with football,” he tells her. “You can sit with them. Or with Iris. You’ll probably have more fun with Iris.”

“Maybe I’ll sit with them during the JV game,” Willow says, her gaze shifting to me, lingering for the briefest moment before she hurriedly looks away. “And I’ll sit with Iris and our friends during the varsity game.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Row sends me a quick glance. “We should probably head back, huh?”

“Yeah, let’s do it.” I turn my attention to Willow, wishing we could talk more after my over-the-top confession, but I’m not about to get all in my feels in front of her little brother, so I keep my mouth shut. “You’re definitely staying for the varsity game?”

“Yes.” Her smile is small. Real. The sight of it touches my soul, which sounds like a bunch of shit to my logical self, but the emotional part of me believes it wholeheartedly. I needed to see that smile more than anything. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Good. The first touchdown I throw will be just for you.”

And with that crazed statement, I leave her where she stands, heading for the field with Row walking along beside me. I can tell he’s trying to figure out why I just said all that. His lips part and he clamps them shut repeatedly before he finally just blurts out the question when we’re about halfway to the stadium.

“You into my sister or what?”

“Maybe.” I shrug. Why deny it? “Yes. Do you have a problem with that?”