I’m grateful for it.



Silas is a fucking wimp. I see the flicker of fear in his gaze as I glare at him. The way his Adam’s apple bobs when his gaze drops to my fisted hands. I’d use them on him too, but I don’t want to risk the game. I can’t. Too many people are depending on me tonight.

But damn, the moment I saw this little prick giving Willow a bunch of shit, I had to come over and end it. Fuck this guy. He needs to stay away from her. I don’t really care either if Willow is mad that I ran to her defense and called her mine because this fucker doesn’t ever seem to take a hint.

Clueless asshole.

I don’t give in to Silas, don’t even bother to say a word either, and I don’t have to. He silently gives in without any more urging from me, turning and slinking away like a beat down dog. Only when he’s out of sight do I turn and check on Willow.

“You all right?”

She seems dazed. Even a little confused. “What are you doing here?”

“Walked over here with your brother. Said he had to go to his room to grab something. He’s still in there.” I frown, wondering what the hell Row needs. I’m sure he told me, but I’ve forgotten thanks to my all-encompassing rage toward Silas.

Been bored pretty much all afternoon while watching everyone run through drills and practice their asses off. Coach didn’t want me working too hard and fucking up my chances for tonight so I was just sitting around and killing time. I jumped at the chance to walk with Rowan over to his special Lancaster dorm building. Was I hoping to run into Willow?



“Oh.” She offers me a genuine smile and the sight of it eases my anger some. She hasn’t looked at me like that in a week and I’ve missed it. Missed her. “Well, thank you. I appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. That asshole needs to leave you alone.”

She laughs. “Tell me about it.”

“Why was he chasing after you anyway?”

“I caught him and Alana arguing.” Her expression turns sheepish. “I was kind of spying on their conversation.”

Now I’m the one chuckling. “I would’ve too. I bet it was good.”

“It was. When she was yelling at him, she even mentioned that he cheated on her before.” Will shakes her head, the disgust on her face obvious. “So disappointing.”

“What a bastard.”

“Have you ever cheated on someone before?”

I’m taken aback by her question. That she actually had the nerve to ask me this.

“First, I’ve never been in a relationship where it would be considered cheating if I talked to another girl, and second, when I’m all in, I’m all in. I would never cheat,” I say vehemently. “I’m the most loyal motherfucker you’ll ever meet.”

She seems shocked by my admission, and maybe I went a little overboard, but fuck it. I’m tired of this girl constantly making it seem like I’m a problem. I’m not the problem here—she is. I’m ready to be down for her. I’ve got it so fucking bad for Willow Lancaster and she has no goddamn clue because she hasn’t given me a chance to show her.

And man, the things I could show her.

“That’s good to know,” she finally says, sounding vaguely breathless.

“I get it from my dad. He’s worshipped my mother since the first moment he spoke to her.” Even worshipped her from afar for about two years, though he admitted he wasn’t a saint then. Not like he could save himself for her, he told me, which just made me laugh. And then got me a little grossed out because the last thing I ever want to think about is my parents having sex.

“That’s sweet.” Willow’s smile is as soft as her voice. “My parents are the same way.”

That means she might be searching for the same thing I am—hopefully. “You get along with them?”