Probably not. And really? I shouldn’t think like that.

We hear the bell ring in the distance and I’m already dashing toward the door and opening it. “We need to go.”

“What we need is to continue this conversation.” Iris follows right behind me.

“There’s no point.” I turn to face her as the door slams behind her. “Promise me you won’t go to Rhett and say something to him.”

She gapes at me as if I shocked her with my request. “I would never betray you like that.”

She’s right. She never would. And I can’t believe I said that to her. “I know you wouldn’t. I—I’m sorry I said it.” I reach for her but she’s already pulling me into her arms, giving me a quick hug.

“It’s fine. I know you didn’t mean it. I just—you’ll tell me if something major is bothering you, right?” Iris pulls away from me but keeps her grip on my upper arms, staring into my eyes. “Promise me you will.”

“I promise.” My smile is weak, my throat aching with the words I should be saying to her. “We should go to class.”

“Right.” Her gaze searches mine. “You know we swore to each other a long time ago that we’d never keep secrets from one another.”

“We were five,” I remind her.

“And I still stand by that promise.” Her voice, her expression is somber, and I feel terrible that I’m keeping this from her.

“Me too,” I whisper.

“Good.” She blinks once. Twice. “Um, I have a confession to make.”

I’m frowning. “What do you mean?”

“My own secret. That I’ve been keeping from you.”

My mouth falls open. “Are you serious? After you just gave me a total guilt trip, you’ve been keeping something from me all along?”

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know how to tell you.” She glances around, noting how more and more people are passing us by. “But I’ll have to reveal it later, when no one is around.”

“And now you’re leaving me with a cliffhanger? You’re unbelievable.”

Iris laughs and I’m so grateful to hear that sound, I nearly sag with relief. “I’m sorry! We can talk about it when we get ready for the game.”

“Iris …”

“You’re going.” Her voice is firm. She’s not about to let me out of this. “Whether you like it or not.”

A despondent sigh is my only answer and she flashes me a cheeky grin. “See you after school! Meet me in my room.”

And then she’s gone.


For the rest of the afternoon, I think about what Iris said, and what her secret could be. I turn over every possibility I can come up with, all of them having to do with boys. Because, seriously, I think that’s the only thing she would keep from me.

Who she’s messing around with.

She alluded to someone when I first came back, but she never mentioned a name or gave me a clue to who he could be. And I sort of forgot about it, becoming wrapped up in my own drama and problems.

I’m selfish. Here’s Iris wiling to drop everything to be a good friend to me, and all I can focus on is my own crap.

Photography is easy because Rhett isn’t in class. The football team is already out for the rest of the day, preparing for tonight’s game. At least I don’t have to face him and all the disappointment I see shining in his eyes every time he looks in my direction.

When the final bell rings, I’m hurriedly heading back to my dorm suite, coming to a halt when I see two familiar heads behind a bush. The sound of voices rising as tempers flare.