
“Everyone is going,” Bronwyn says with the utmost authority. As if she’s surveyed every student on this campus. “You’ll be, like, the only person who’s not there.”

“And we can’t have that. People will start saying you’re boring if you don’t show up,” Iris adds, a devilish twinkle in her gaze.

I shove at her arm. “You said that on purpose.”

She knows it’s my weak spot. Stupid Alana for calling me that. Guess things are still going strong for her and Silas. They’re practically joined at the hip everywhere they go, and he doesn’t try and talk to me in English anymore, thank God.

But I don’t really talk to anyone in English. Or in any other class for that matter. Some people might call me unapproachable now more than ever, but I’m just protecting myself. Protecting Rhett too.

I miss him terribly.

“I’ll be right back.” Bronwyn leaps to her feet. “Bathroom break.”

The moment she’s gone, Iris leans in close to me, her expression dead serious. “You need to cut the crap.”

“What do you mean?”

“Something is up. You’re all whiny and mopey and don’t really talk. I know you, Willow. I’ve known you my entire life and I can tell something—or someone—is bringing you down.” Her expression is fierce. “Tell me who it is.”

“It’s nothing” is my automatic reply, and she shakes her head, cutting me off.

“Don’t give me that bullshit. You’re lying to me. Tell me.” She grabs hold of my arm, clinging to me. “I miss you. You haven’t been the same since you came back from Italy and all I want is for you to be happy, you know?”

I swallow hard, staring into her eyes, seeing all the sincerity in her gaze. “I can’t tell you here. There are too many people.”

The triumphant expression on my cousin’s face is almost comical. “I knew something was bugging you. Come on, let’s go to your room. Or mine.”

“What about Bronwyn?”

“I’ll text her right now.” Iris grabs her phone and starts typing.

I check my phone. “We only have a few more minutes left until the bell rings.”

“Then we better hurry.”

We dash out of the dining hall and practically run back to the building where our dorm suites are. Once we’re inside and alone, I come this close to spilling my guts about Westscott’s secret meeting before school and how I basically had to turn down Rhett. How, after Rhett and I had that awful conversation, he hasn’t tried to talk to me again.

But I don’t do any of that. I keep everything that’s happened to myself, which is the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do, especially with Iris. I tell her everything. Instead, I come up with a somewhat fake problem instead.

“I don’t think Rhett and I could ever work together and I told him that,” I lie.

Iris frowns. “Why would you say that? You haven’t even given him a real chance yet, have you?”

“No, but I just … I know it wouldn’t work, and trust me, I felt bad turning him down. But it’s easier if I just let him down now and get it over with.” I shrug, keeping my gaze averted. Looking into her eyes might be truth serum and I can’t afford to confess my real issue.

“You turned him down?” There’s disbelief in her voice.

“Sort of.” I hesitate. “He’s not my type.”

“Maybe you’re making a mistake by not giving him a chance though? You just never know. Sometimes we end up with people we never believed were possible,” she says almost cryptically.

I study her, curious by her response. “Are you referring to someone specific?”

Iris flashes me a dazzling smile, and it almost feels like she’s trying to distract me. “Oh, my mom always says that to me. She claims Dad was the last person she should’ve ever ended up with, but she did anyway because they were basically soulmates. I’m not sure if I believe in that sort of thing though.”

I do. I believe in it with every part of my being. There’s a reason I’m drawn to Rhett despite him not being someone I would’ve normally picked for myself. Maybe he’s my soulmate?