“We’ve never kissed,” I say vehemently, because it’s the truth.

“I’ve heard multiple accounts—”

“Your multiple accounts are lying.” I’m breathing hard and I press my lips together, trying to contain my shock. My anger. “I don’t see how any of this would be a problem.”

“You want me to be real with you right now?” His brows lift and I nod mutely, afraid of what he might say. This conversation is surreal. “Rhett is a superior football player and he’s also extremely smart. His parents requested that I watch over him when he first started here, and I promised I would do so. Yes, Rhett dates girls. I understand why they’re drawn to him. He’s charismatic. But we didn’t worry about any of them.”

Am I supposed to be offended or honored by that last remark?

“You? I worry about.” He leans forward, the chair squeaking again, making me wince. “You’re beautiful. Smart. A Lancaster.”

I don’t like that he’s calling me beautiful. It’s creepy.

“What boy wouldn’t want to be with you?” he adds.

None of them do, I want to tell him. And now he’s trying to convince me I shouldn’t spend time with the only boy who seems interested in me.

“Do what’s best for the school, Willow.” His smile is small. “Find someone else’s lap to sit on.”

I blink at him, shocked he would say such a thing to me. “You do realize who you’re speaking to.”

His smile fades. “If you’re trying to pull a ‘do you know who I am’ type of moment, I’m not going to let it happen, Miss Lancaster. You are a student here, just like everyone else.”

“Are you saying Rhett Bennett gets special treatment but no one else does?” I arch a brow.

“There’s a reason he receives, as you call it, special treatment. His performance on the field is changing Lancaster Prep’s entire image. He’s going to leave a legacy on this campus that is unmatched. Can you do the same?”

I leap to my feet. “Your questions are insulting.”

“Only because you don’t like the answer you might give.” He also stands, resting his hands palm down on top of his desk. “Leave Rhett Bennett alone.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

“I can make your life miserable if you continue down this path. How does that sound?” He sounds so calm and collected while threatening me.

What a monster.

“I’ll tell my parents—”

Westscott’s laughter interrupts me and I glare at him, curling my hands into fists. Everyone raves about the new headmaster and how he’s changed the school, but all I’m seeing is a deranged nut job who’s trying to control every little move on this campus.

“Go ahead and run home to Mommy and Daddy,” he taunts. “Tell them how awful I am and how I’ve mistreated you. They understand the importance of Rhett Bennett’s season for this school. After years of dwindling numbers, enrollment is up. Money is being poured into the school from the alumni association, most of it for a new football stadium. The stadium that Bennett built, we all call it. Such a shame he won’t benefit from it though.”

I don’t say anything. I can feel tears prick at the corners of my eyes and I know if I start speaking, I’ll end up crying, only because I’m mad. So mad. And I refuse to cry in front of this man.

“Your parents—the entire Lancaster family—all they care about is the bottom line, and right now I’m delivering that. Your brother is benefiting from this as well. Rowan is an excellent football player. He’ll go far if he continues down this path. Do you really want to mess everything up for your brother? Don’t you have another brother that’s going to attend Lancaster Prep eventually? I’m sure he looks up to his big brother and wants to do the same thing as him.”

I don’t bother telling him that Beau is in youth league football right now, because that would feed right into what Westscott is saying.

“If you want to go ahead and be selfish, then talk to your parents. Tell them everything. I’m a terrible man because I only want what’s best for the school. I’m sure they’ll agree with you that I’m a tyrant.” A door slams from outside the office and Westscott glances toward his closed office door. “You should go. Classes will start soon.”

Without another word, I turn on my heel and head for the door, just about to open it when he slams his hand on the door, just above my head. I glance to my right, staring at him mutely, hating that he’s so close.

He makes my skin crawl.

“If you’re as smart as everyone says you are, you’ll heed my advice,” he murmurs.

“And if I don’t?”