Without a word I enter his office, swallowing hard when he closes the door behind me. The rest of the admin building is quiet and the desks are empty. It’s not even seven-thirty and it appears no one is on duty yet, which is only vaguely disconcerting.

Okay, it’s completely disconcerting. I’m half-tempted to text Iris right now and beg her to come to the office immediately.

“I didn’t want to miss class,” I tell him as I sit in the chair that’s across from his desk.

“I appreciate that about you. I’ve heard from plenty of others that you’re a good student.” He sits down as well, resting his clasped hands on top of his desk.

“Where did you hear that?”

He frowns. “Excuse me?”

“Who told you I was a good student?”

“Why, my staff has informed me of your studious ways.” His smile is gentle. I’d put him at about the same age as my parents, maybe a little older by the looks of the graying hair at his temples. He’s wearing khaki pants and a navy jacket that’s similar to our uniform, a white button-down shirt with a hunter green tie.

He could almost—not quite but almost—pass as a student with what he’s wearing.

“I care about my grades,” I tell him.

“I know.” His voice is grave and he nods, somber as a priest in church. “I admire that about you. There are many qualities of yours that I admire.”

“Thank you.”

“But there is one thing I’ve heard recently that has me concerned.” He tugs at his tie, straightening it. “What is your relationship with Rhett Bennett?”

Alarm races through me, leaving me shaky. “What do you mean?”

“It’s a simple question, Miss Lancaster.” His tone is faintly condescending. “Are you spending any extra time with Rhett Bennett?”

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business?” The words leave me without thought and I brace myself, waiting for him to call me out for questioning his authority.

“If you’re a student of mine, it’s my business.” His smile doesn’t falter though I see a flicker of irritation in his dark brown gaze. “Answer the question.”

I bristle at the demand in his tone. “We’re friends.”

“That’s it?”

“We have a couple of classes together.”

“I know.” The smile finally fades. “I’m concerned.”

“About what?” Oh, my tone is snotty. I never speak like this toward a superior. I definitely shouldn’t talk back or ague with him, but it’s like I can’t help it. I’ve never had a teacher or counselor or the freaking headmaster ask me about my supposed friends before.

Like how is this any of his business? What does he care if Rhett and I spend time together?

“Rhett Bennett is one of the best high school quarterbacks in the nation. We’re expected to win a state championship this season. Maybe even a national one,” Westscott stresses. “He needs zero distractions in his life.”

“What does that have to do with me? Like I said, we’re—friends. I don’t think I’m much of a distraction.”

“According to a variety of students that I spoke with over the last week, you were seen in a rather—compromising position with Mr. Bennett at a party.” Westscott leans back in his chair, the hinges creaking with the movement. He says nothing more, seemingly waiting me out for a response.

“Compromising position?” I choke out.

He nods, his clasped hands now resting on his chest. “You were sitting on his lap.”

“I don’t see how that’s—”

“And you were kissing. In front of everyone,” he continues.