“I don’t mind it,” I admit. “I missed having so much family around.”

Our parents seemed to make some sort of pact when they all started having children that they wanted to stay connected. When Iris’s parents took over the Rhode Island house, the one that’s been in the Lancaster family since basically the dawn of time, it was decided that it would become the family compound. The one central place where everyone got together for every family celebration and holiday. Throughout the summer. Spring break. All of it.

Iris and her family reside here full time and my family bought a house not too far after my youngest brother Beau was born. But our house isn’t nearly as big as the original Lancaster estate.

“You missed all of us?” Iris ducks her head, her blue gaze meeting mine. She’s got those Lancaster eyes, just like mine. Physically it’s the only part of my father that I have. Otherwise …

I am the spitting image of Wren Lancaster.

“Of course, I missed everyone. Especially you.” I lean into her, pressing my shoulder to hers.

“You didn’t even come home until a week ago,” she points out. “You were gone for what felt like forever.”

“My parents wanted to travel all around Europe as a family for the summer.” I shrug, remembering how upset my mother was when my brother Rowan insisted on going home early so he wouldn’t miss football practice. He’s only a sophomore, but the second he becomes interested in something, he takes it seriously. To the point of obsession sometimes.

It’s the Lancaster in him, Daddy said. I suppose he’s right.

“Did you have fun? Meet any boys on your trip with the fam?”

I slowly shake my head, wondering if I should tell her the boy I’m actually wanting already goes to our school and she knows him very well. “How could I? I was with my parents the entire time.”

“No fun.” She mock pouts. “Did you at least get to drink?”

“I turned eighteen when we were there, so yes. But I didn’t get drunk or anything.” My birthday is in July and we celebrated it in Paris, which was wonderful, but I missed my friends and the rest of my family.

I was eager to get home. I’d been gone long enough.

“I suppose it’s not as much fun getting wasted with your parents.” Iris sighs and I can’t help but laugh.

“No, it’s not much fun at all,” I agree, laughing. “But none of that matters now. I’m home, we’re together once again and we’re ready to have the best senior year of our lives.” I smile.

Iris smiles too. “It’s going to be epic.”

“You really think so?” I hear the worry in my voice and I hate it. I shouldn’t have a care in the world. I am a Lancaster, after all. I’m back on this campus where I belong.

“I know so.” Iris’s nod is firm, her eyes sparkling. “It’s going to be amazing. Just wait until you’re back on campus. You’re going to love it!”

If she says so.

We hear clattering footsteps on the stairwell that leads down to the gardens and the beach just beyond it and two heads suddenly appear. One is my brother. The other is his friend that he brought with him.

Callahan Bennett.

“Iris!” Rowan shouts when he spots us. “Go to the front and entertain Rhett for a minute while we grab our shit.”

Iris’s brows shoot up. “What in the world is Rhett doing here?”

“Who’s Rhett?” I ask, looking between her and my brother.

“Only the best quarterback I’ve ever witnessed in my life,” Row proclaims.

Callahan smiles broadly at me. “Rhett’s my brother. He came here to pick us up and take us to school.”

“Please, Iris.” Row makes a prayer gesture with his hands folded in front of him. “I’ll owe you.”

“Come on, Willow.” Iris rises from the chair, sighing loudly. “Let’s go meet the hottest guy on campus.”

“Ew,” Cal says as he walks past us, trailing after Row who’s already halfway in the house.