

I wander around the fire, smiling at people as I pass by them, trying to appear like nothing is bothering me. I eventually find an old log on the ground that’s set back from the fire and I sit on it, watching the flames dance. The fire crackles and roars, the wood settling as it slowly turns to ash, sending up a fresh wave of sparks into the night. Some of the girls standing close to the fire squeal and jump back, and when a few of them spot me, I offer them a smile, wishing someone else would talk to me. Anyone else.

I need the distraction.

But none of them do. They smile in return and some of them even greet me with a wave and a hello, but then they take off, leaving me by myself once more. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this lonely at a party before.

One week into school and my senior year isn’t going as planned.

No, more like it’s a nightmare. I wonder if I could test out and graduate early. I have most of my required classes done. I can’t stand the idea of being this miserable during my senior year. Iris might be disappointed, but she wouldn’t miss me that badly. She spent an entire school year without me. She could do it again.

“Hey.” Looking up, I find Rhett standing there, watching me. Always coming to my rescue. “Can I join you?”

I shrug my answer, and he settles in, making the log wobble a bit with his weight.

“I’m sorry I implied that we were together to Silas.” My gaze quickly cuts to his, surprised he’d apologize this soon. I’m used to the stubborn men in my family who take hours if not days to utter “I’m sorry.” Even my dad is bad at apologizing. Mom always says it’s the Lancaster in them.

“I probably shouldn’t have done that,” he continues when I remain quiet. “But I wanted him to leave you alone and I didn’t know what else to say. The guy is more determined than I thought he’d be.”

“The guy should worry about his own girlfriend and not me,” I murmur. It feels good to voice my feelings out loud.

“No shit.” Rhett shifts, kicking his legs out straight in front of him and crossing his feet. He’s got on a fresh set of white Nikes with a navy swoosh, and I absently wonder how he keeps them so clean. “Are you upset because you like that guy and you think I ruined your chances with him? I can go tell him I was—”

“No. Don’t go to him. I don’t want you saying anything to him.” I grab hold of his arm and clutch it, my gaze pleading. “Just leave it alone.”

He drops his gaze to my hands still on his arm before lifting it to mine. “Okay, I will.”

“I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea.” I release my hold on his arm, missing touching him almost immediately. He’s so muscular, and he’s almost as hot as the fire burning in front of us. “About … us.”

“Why? You don’t want people thinking we’re together?”

“Well … no.” I squint at him. “Do you?”

“Is it that big of a deal?”

“I figured it would be a big deal to you.” His frown deepens and I further explain myself. “You don’t really seem like the serious type, from what Iris has told me.”

“I’m not.” He pauses. “Usually.”

“Then there’s no reason anyone would believe we’re together.” I stare at the fire once again, fighting the sadness that wants to overtake me.

“Right? That’s perfect then.”

I glance over at him. “What do you mean?”

“We can play stupid.”

“Play stupid how?”

“It’s our word against his. And Alana’s.” Rhett shrugs and I admire the line of his shoulders. They are just so incredibly broad. I bet it would feel nice, resting my head there, drawing comfort from his strength. His warmth. I remember what it felt like when he wrapped me up in his arms. “Maybe we can be friends.”

I jerk my gaze to his when I realize he’s waiting for a reply. “You want to be my friend?”

“Why not? I like you, Will.” He flashes me one of those onesided smiles that makes my heart flutter.

I realize I do not want to be just his friend. There’s something brewing between us. I can feel it.