“Yo, Brooks!” Rhett suddenly shouts, his hand shooting up in the air to gain Brooks Crosby’s attention.

I’ve seen them hang around together, and I know Brooks is on the football team so maybe that’s why they’ve grown close. It’s an unusual pairing if you ask me only because I never thought Brooks was the overly athletic type, but Rhett seems to fit right in with everyone else on this campus, so I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.

“Oh God.” Iris groans, flipping her hair over her shoulder in obvious disdain. She’s always had a love/hate relationship with Brooks. As in, she loves hating him. And I think he feels the same way about her.

Their moms were close friends when they were babies, but then the Crosbys divorced and it turned into this tense custody battle that messed with Brooks’s head since it dragged on for years. His mom eventually gave up and moved to Los Angeles to become a big shot talent agent while Brooks stayed here and lives with his dad and the nanny—aka the new Mrs. Crosby—when he’s not in school.

Yeah, it’s twisted like that in Brooks’s family, and he’s turned out relatively well-adjusted, considering.

“You don’t like Brooks?” Rhett asks Iris.

“I adore him, but I also hate him, and I’m fairly certain he feels the same way about me. We’ve known each other since we were in diapers,” Iris explains.

“He mentioned that.” Rhett rubs his chin, his lips curled into a mischievous smile. “Said you kicked him in the balls when you guys were hanging out in a playpen together.”

“That story is so exaggerated,” Iris drawls. “And how bad could I have damaged his balls anyway? He was wearing a diaper.”

We’re all laughing by the time Brooks is standing among us, and I can tell he’s worried just by the look on his face. “If you’re laughing about me, I’m out.”

“Oh, we were,” Iris declares with relish.

She really enjoys antagonizing him, the poor guy.

“And I’m out.” Brooks starts to leave, but Rhett stops him, gripping his arm tightly and keeping him in place. “Or maybe not.”

“I’m just joking, Brooksie,” Iris says with that familiar blithe smile. The one that should induce worry in all of us because we have no idea what she’s going to do or say next. “I didn’t mean to destroy your manhood when we were babies. I hope you’ve recuperated enough and everything is okay.”

She mock pouts, fluttering her eyelashes at him. Knowing all along her statement will rile him up.

“Destroy my manhood?” Brooks repeats, his dark brows shooting up.

Oh, here they go.

“Well, that’s what I’ve heard over the years. I always thought the story was an embellishment of the truth, but now I’m starting to wonder. Like maybe your manhood could be a little …” Her voice drops to just above a whisper. “Fragile.”

“What are you trying to say, Iris? Do you want to see my so-called manhood so I can prove to you that there’s nothing wrong with it?” Brooks’s hand drops to his crotch, where he cradles his junk in his palm and gives it a squeeze.

All Iris can do is laugh, shaking her head and waving her hands in a sure sign of denial.

“Jesus, Brooks. Please don’t whip your dick out in front of Willow,” Rhett mutters, his gaze going to mine, his expression apologetic. All I can do is smile weakly in return.

“Are you afraid you’ll have some competition?” Brooks taunts.

Rhett scoffs. “As if.”

Oh my God. Are we really talking about dick sizes right now?

There’s a shift in the air and the voices around us drop to a low murmur. As if they’re whispering about something. Or someone.

When I glance to my right, I realize they’re whispering about a couple of someones.

Silas and Alana, who appear to be in a somewhat heated argument.

Even the conversation among the four of us dies, our attention going to Lancaster Prep’s most popular couple, who seem to be engrossed in their own little world. Their mouths are moving constantly as they attempt to talk over each other, Silas’s expression grim while Alana’s is full-fledged anger.

I’ve known her long enough to recognize her emotions. She is definitely not pleased with whatever it is they’re talking about.

“Ooh, Alana looks pissed,” Iris says gleefully.