I rub my hand along my jaw, contemplating Willow while Iris rattles on about something—I don’t even know what because I’m not listening. I’m too entranced with the beautiful girl standing in front of me, her wide-eyed gaze shifting to the left, then the right. Like she might be looking for someone?

Someone else?

Fuck, that kills me.

“You want something to drink?” I ask, my voice low, not wanting to stop Iris from talking, which she doesn’t.

Willow makes a cute little face, her nose wrinkling. “I don’t really care for beer.”

“You want something else?”

“You have something else?”

Iris stops talking mid-sentence, her brows drawing together. “Are you two even listening to me?”



We answer at the same time, sharing a smile and Iris rolls her eyes.

“Should I leave you two alone, then?” She starts walking before I get a chance to say, hell yes, but Willow grabs hold of Iris’s hand, stopping her from going.

“No. Stay for a few more minutes.” Willow sends me a look and I’m a goner. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with me? “Rhett was just offering us something to drink.”

“Something besides the shitty keg beer?” Iris asks hopefully.

“I’m offended.” I rest my hand against my chest, which makes Willow giggle while Iris reaches out and pushes my shoulder, though I don’t move.

Wish Willow would’ve touched me, but I’m patient. That will definitely happen.

Hopefully tonight.



I envy Iris’s ease while talking to Rhett. Like he doesn’t affect her whatsoever, and maybe he doesn’t. Actually, I know he doesn’t. He’s just another guy to her while to me, he’s …

I don’t know what he is, exactly, but I’m overwhelmed with a wave of unfamiliar emotion stealing over me, standing so close to him. I don’t know what to say or do, and I’m nervous. My palms are sweating and so are my underarms, and oh my God, do I smell? Can he smell me? I’m mortified. Fully freaking out and ready to make my escape—

Calm. Down.

The rational voice in my head sounds suspiciously like my mother and I’m grateful for it. I need it to remind me that I’m panicking for no good reason.

Taking a deep breath, I exhale softly, shaking out my hands to hopefully get rid of the sweat coating my palms. Hoping no one paid any attention to the minor meltdown I just had.

But when my gaze goes to Rhett, I see he’s watching me carefully, his focus on me despite the occasional yeah, and oh damn, he sends Iris’s way as he pretends to listen to her. All the while his focus is seemingly on me.

You okay?

He mouths the words to me and I nod, offering him a faint smile while my heart flutters wildly in my chest at his thoughtful concern.

“Are you two just going to stare at each other all night or are you finally going to give in to all of this sexual tension that’s currently swirling around us and do something about it?” Iris asks, as tactful as ever.

My face goes hot while Rhett just chuckles, the sexy sound settling into a low throb between my thighs. And my entire body lights up when he sends me a mysterious look, like we’re sharing a secret. I part my lips, ready to say something, but nothing comes out.

It’s as if I can’t form words. I can barely think. What is happening?