“Did you notice?”

“She’s not my type.”

“Right. You like violent blondes.” I grin.

Brooks grunts, polishing off his beer in one big swallow. “Let’s get fucked up.”

“No way.” I shake my head. “I’m working toward a pleasant buzz and that’s it.”

“It’ll take you fifty cups of this shitty beer to even feel it, so good luck to you. I’m digging out the whiskey.” Brooks starts walking away and I call out to him.

“You remember where I put it?”

He gives me the bird and nods while he keeps walking.

Okay then.

A group of girls approach me, all of them giggly and barely able to speak. They’re younger. Juniors? Maybe even sophomores and I humor them for a bit, letting them ask their dumb questions about football. It’s painfully obvious they know nothing about the sport and it’s fine. That’s cool. But I don’t want to be the one who teaches them.

“Rowan, hey!” I shout when I spot Willow’s younger brother.

Row’s entire face lights up when he sees I’m the one who yelled his name and he comes right over to where I’m standing, clutching a full cup of beer and wearing a big ol’ grin on his face. “Hey, Rhett. How’s it going?”

“Good, buddy. How are you?” I slap him on the back extra hard, making him take a step forward, the beer sloshing over the rim of his cup. “How’s practice going?”

Since taking over as the JV QB, Row is looking good. He’s got a decent throw that’ll get better with work and he’s fast. Meaning, if he doesn’t spot anyone to throw the ball to, he has no qualms tucking it against his chest and trying to run it in himself.

I love a guy who’s willing to take risks, and Row is definitely a risk-taker.

“Oh my God, Rowan,” one of the girls squeaks, rushing up to him and throwing her arms around his neck. He stands there helplessly while she squeezes him, though he never puts his arms around her in return. He’s too worried trying to save his beer from spilling any more. “I love watching you play.”

I’ve heard he’s got his own fan club during practice, not that I ever see it. Our daily practices are held at two different fields, with two different sets of coaches. Last year we were all put together because we didn’t have as many players, but now?

Every motherfucker who goes to this school seems to want to play now after our fantastic season last year, even a few girls. The JV team has a female kicker and she’s phenomenal. Guess she used to play soccer but got sick of the drama on her team.

“Hey thanks,” Row says, flashing what is most likely a pantymelting smile at the girl who suddenly looks like she might faint.

Huh. I mean, the kid is a Lancaster. I get it. But I didn’t realize he had that much rizz going on.

I try to make small talk with him, hoping to steer the conversation toward his sister, but the girls keep interrupting me, all three of them eager to gain Row’s attention by asking him lots of questions. I’m all but forgotten, which isn’t normal for me, but I’m cool with it in this instance. I like Row. Plus, it’s smart for me to get on his good side, considering who his sister is.

I leave them be and start wandering, taking my opportunity when I see the familiar blonde and brunette standing close to each other, talking excitedly.

“Ladies.” They both jerk their heads up at my greeting, a knowing smile spreading across Iris’s face while Willow just stands there and stares at me mutely. Damn, she’s cute. “Glad you showed up.”

“We wouldn’t miss this party for the world, Rhett,” Iris says, her blue eyes dancing with mischief. “As a matter of fact, I was just telling Willow about what happened last year during this party.”

Oh great. May as well own it. “When I got shit-faced?”

Iris bursts out laughing. “Yes. You were hilarious. Will there be a repeat performance this year?”

“Hell no.” I shake my head. “I’m not interested in getting wasted again.”

“Why not?” This question comes from Willow.

I turn my attention onto her, our gazes meeting. Locking. I stare into her beautiful eyes, deciding to be truthful. “I don’t need to make an ass of myself tonight. I’d rather work on impressing you.”

Iris nudges Willow in the side with her elbow, offering her a small smile. Willow steps aside, sending her cousin a vaguely dirty look. All of this gives me hope because it’s got me thinking they’ve been talking about me, and that’s a good thing.