I stand at attention at hearing that last name, scanning the many faces in search of the prettiest face I’ve ever seen. Ah, there she is.

I’m struck dumb for a moment by her beauty, my chest aching because seeing her steals my breath. I rub at the spot between my pecs absently, taking her in. She’s wearing baggy jeans and a cropped black sweatshirt that shows off her tiny waist to perfection. I bet my hands could span it, she’s so slender there. And curvy everywhere else where it counts. Big tits. Flared hips. Cute black sneakers on her feet. Stylish like every other girl at this party but somehow, none of them do it for me like this one does.

My gaze goes to her face. Her long, dark hair is straight and flowing past her shoulders, and she brushes a few wayward strands away from her cheek, smiling at something her cousin whispers in her ear.

“You don’t like them?” I ask Brooks when I realize he’s waiting for me to say something.

“Who, Willow and Iris? They’re all right. I’ve known them forever. Our families have stories of me being in a playpen with Iris when we were infants and I pulled her hair so she nailed me in the nads with her foot.”

“Seriously?” I send him a skeptical look, but he just shrugs.

“That’s the story our moms tell.”

“You two are friends?” I’ve never seen Brooks and Iris hang out together. Not once.

“I usually avoid her at all costs.”

“And why is that?”

“She’s fucking terrifying.” Brooks’s voice is dead serious and I can tell he means it. “She’s too beautiful.”

“I don’t see it.” Now it’s my turn to shrug, my gaze sticking on Willow. Some guy approaches them and her smile is friendly, just before the guy yanks her into a hug. A low growl leaves me and I clutch the Solo cup so tightly, I’m worried it’s going to crack and spill everywhere.

I need to chill out.

“You don’t think Iris is beautiful?”

“I mean yeah, she’s pretty. Definitely hot.” I shrug then take a sip of my beer while I watch the guy back away from Willow and Iris with a wave before he takes off. “Not my type though.”

“I thought everyone was your type.”

“Not blondes.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not attracted to them. I like dark-haired girls.”

Brooks follows my line of vision, figuring out that I’m watching Willow. At least that’s what it seems like, thanks to the smug look that appears on his smug face. “Like Willow.”

“She’s all right.” I play it off, but he sees right through me.

“You’re watching her like you’re trying to see what she’s got on underneath her clothes.” He sounds amused.

“I’d love to know.”

“Wouldn’t every other guy at this party.” Brooks is grumbling again, sipping from his cup of beer and grimacing. “This shit is awful.”

“We could crack open the whiskey.” I hesitate, mentally running through what he said to me only a second ago. “And what do you mean, every guy at this party wants to know what she’s got on underneath her clothes?”

“They’re all hot for her, dumbass. She came back to school with the plump red lips and plump round tits and they’re all salivating for a chance at her,” Brooks explains, his expression telling me that he thinks I’m an idiot for not noticing.

Guess I was too busy noticing her that I didn’t see everyone else was doing the same thing as me.

“Who else wants her?” I sound indignant. I am indignant. I never once considered that someone else was interested in her. The moment I laid eyes on Willow Lancaster, all I could think was, I want that one.

Sounds like a jackass thought, but I never claimed that I wasn’t a jackass.

“How much time do you have?” He chuckles, but the moment he notices my glare, he shuts up. “Come on, Rhett. She’s been gone for a year and then sweeps back onto campus looking hotter than ever. You didn’t think anyone else noticed?”