“Are you speaking from experience?”

“I wish,” she mutters, rubbing her lips together and pursing them at her reflection in an exaggerated kiss. “I’m over the boys here.”

“Here? You mean the boys we go to school with?”

“Yep.” She makes the p pop with her lips. “I prefer older men.”

“How much older are you talking about?” I think of her brother August and all of his friends. He’s in college and in some sort of fraternity or secret society thing, and that means he’s hanging out with all sorts of bros. Some of them he brings back to the house, and I know for a fact that Iris thinks the majority of them are gorgeous. And that’s because she told me so.

I’m sure they’re gorgeous. They’re probably all jerks too, but that won’t stop her. I think she’s attracted to jerks. She comes by it naturally.

“Oh, you know. College.” She shrugs, keeping her tone casual. Playing it off like usual. “There’s no one in particular that I like. I’m just drawn to men.”

“Iris. You’re barely eighteen,” I remind her.

“And legal as can be so it’s not so taboo, is it? What’s wrong with wanting to fuck a twenty-two-year-old?”

“Iris!” She can’t go around dropping f-bombs so casually, but she just laughs.

Yikes. Maybe I’m as much of a prude as my mom was. I thought I was more liberated than her.

“What? It’s true. They’re all babies here. Even the seniors.”

My mind immediately goes to Rhett’s broad shoulders and thick biceps. In my eyes, he’s the furthest thing from a baby. “Maybe not all of them.”

“Ooh, Willow, who exactly are you thinking of then, hmm? And don’t play like you’re not talking about anyone specific. I know you.” Iris’s expression turns vaguely horrified. “If you say Silas, I’m going to murder you in your sleep.”

“So violent!” I burst out laughing, shaking my head. Silas is … cute. But Rhett?

Rhett is something else.

He’s sexy. Confident. Like he knows what he’s doing, and even if he doesn’t, he could figure it out really quick.

“Seriously, if it’s Silas, I’m going to have to smack some sense into you.” She waves her hand like she’s slapping someone across the face. “He’s the worst.”

“Why do you say that anyway?” I’m curious. She’s always got something negative to say about Silas and I wonder if she has an actual reason or if it’s just because she’s rushing to my defense like any best friend would.

“Why wouldn’t I say that? Especially after what you just told me. I hate to say it, but he’s playing you, Willow. I think he likes the idea of you waiting in the wings for him, nurturing that hopeless crush. Like you’re a backup plan in case things don’t work out with him and Alana.” She rolls her eyes.

Ouch. If that’s true, I hate it. I don’t want him thinking of me like that. I’m not waiting around for him, that’s for sure, and if he believes I am? He’s going to be sorely disappointed.

Turning, I face the mirror once more, fixing my necklace so the clasp is where it belongs, at the back of my neck. I’m wearing the birthstone pendant that my parents gave me when I turned sixteen—a round cut ruby surrounded by tiny diamonds. It’s one of my favorite pieces, not that I have a lot yet. My mother lets me borrow her jewelry most of the time, which is always fun because her collection is like a treasure chest of jewels. My father spoils her—he always has. He spoils all of us, especially me since I’m his only daughter.

Iris’s father is just as bad. He lavishes his girls—his wife and daughter—with all the jewelry they could ever want, not that Iris is interested in any of it.

“Should I tell Alana that Silas is trying to talk to me?” I ask, keeping my focus on the mirror so I don’t have to see Iris’s face.

I know she’s going to be exasperated with me and all the huffing and puffing only proves my point.

“If you tell her that, she’ll just get mad at you. Or accuse you of trying to cause problems between them, when that’s the last thing you want. No, don’t tell her anything. Let him self-implode. If you don’t show him any interest, he’ll just move on to some other girl. He’ll eventually slip and get caught. You don’t need to get involved.”

“You’re right.” I straighten my shoulders, thrusting my chest out and immediately wincing. God, I wish I had smaller boobs. “Maybe I should get a minimizer.”

“What? Are you talking about your tits?” Iris practically screeches, leaping to her feet and running over to me. She stares at my reflection along with me, her gaze zeroed in on my chest. “You have fabulous boobs. I wish I had them.”

“No, you really don’t. They’re big and always in the way.” After my mom had Beau, she had a breast reduction because they were too big and heavy, and she was tired of being in pain. I’m sure I’ll have to do the same thing one day after I have children. Something I’m definitely not looking forward to. “I wish I had your boobs.”

“My tits are nonexistent. Boys love big ones.”