“You interrupted us,” Silas tells him, sounding vaguely out of sorts. Even mad.

“Whoa, didn’t know you were having a private conversation.” Rhett throws his hands up in a defensive gesture, completely unfazed.

“Well, we were.”

Rhett’s gaze meets mine for the briefest moment, questioning. I just shrug, which seems to please him. “Where’s your girlfriend?” Silas’s cheeks turn ruddy at Rhett’s question. “None of your damn business.”

“Maybe you should go find her.”

“Maybe you should go sit down.”

“There’s no need for the two of you to get angry,” I say, trying to diffuse the situation. Because seriously, what is happening right now?

“Stay out of it, Willow.” This comes from Silas, and his dismissive tone lights something within me that isn’t pleasant.

No, more like I’m pissed.

Leaping to my feet, I turn toward him, eager to let him have it. “There’s nothing to stay out of, Silas. I agree with Rhett. Maybe you should go find Alana.”

The wounded look on Silas’s face isn’t adorable. Not at all. With one last scathing glare cast in Rhett’s direction, Silas leaves us alone, settling into his desk at the front of the classroom. Alana glides in within seconds, sitting next to him and keeping up a steady stream of one-sided conversation, oblivious to the tension that filled the room not even ten seconds ago.

“Damn, Lancaster. You’re hot when you’re angry.”

I whirl on Rhett, trying to ignore the way my skin prickles with awareness at his casual compliment. “He was being a jerk.”

“For real.”

“You were too,” I’m quick to point out. “Sort of.”

“He needs to stop sniffing around you.” Rhett sits in the desk behind mine, his big body sprawled out like he can’t contain himself into such a small space. I suppose he can’t, considering how tall and broad he is.

What he just said slowly sinks into my brain and I gape at him for a moment, at a loss for words. “Did you just say that Silas is sniffing around me?”

“Yeah.” He shrugs his broad shoulders. “I did. And he needs to stop. He’s got a girlfriend. He doesn’t need to lead you on or whatever the hell it is that he’s doing.”

“He’s not leading me on,” I insist as I sit back down. I’m agitated by the near fight between them. Were they fighting over … me?

No. Impossible.

Rhett actually snorts. “If you say so.”

I keep my back to him, watching our teacher enter the room and head straight to her desk, my brain going over what Rhett said again and again until finally I can’t take it anymore. Turning in my seat, I find he’s already watching me, one brow lifted in question. “Why would he lead me on anyway?”

“Why wouldn’t he? If the most beautiful girl on this campus acted like she was into me, I’d want to lead her on too. Though I wouldn’t be leading her on. I’d be just as interested, and what makes it even better? I don’t have a girlfriend.” He smiles, like what he just said was no big deal.

While I gape at him, shocked by pretty much every word that came out of his mouth, I snap my lips shut, about to ask him another question when the bell rings, and Mrs. Patel immediately starts talking.

Effectively ending the most interesting conversation I’ve had with Rhett yet.

I reluctantly turn around in my seat, facing forward, offering a weak “here” when my name is called. Rhett shifts in his seat, drawing closer. Close enough that I can smell him, and as subtly as I can, I breathe him in, savoring his scent before I slowly exhale.

“You coming to the bonfire tonight, Will?”

His voice is low, his warm breath brushing against the back of my neck, making me tremble. “Yes.”

“Good.” He sounds pleased. “Maybe we can talk more then. Unless you plan on continuing your conversation with Silas there.”

I glance over my shoulder, glaring at him as he settles back into his seat. “Did you invite him?”