I think I have a new distraction.



“We’re going out tonight,” Iris declares the moment we see each other in the hall Friday morning.

All Lancaster children who attend Lancaster Prep reside in a different building versus the dorms where everyone else stays. Our suites are larger and more private. The perks of being a Lancaster.

Withholding the sigh that wants to leave me, instead I ask, “Where exactly are we going?”

“There’s going to be a bonfire out by the old ruins,” Iris explains once I catch up to her. She falls into step beside me and we exit the building via the double doors. “The football team puts it all together. A way to celebrate the beginning of school and the start of football season.”

“Looks like it might rain,” I point out, frowning when we step outside. It’s cloudy and the air is chilly, which is disappointing.

I was hoping for sunny skies all weekend. Feels too early for clouds and rain.

“Rain or shine, they’re having this party. They did it last year too,” Iris explains. “It’s a lot of fun.”

“Will there be drinking?”

“Duh. Of course.” Iris grins.

“I don’t know …” My voice drifts and I startle when Iris makes a frustrated sound.

“Don’t think you can back out. You’re going.” Her voice is firm.

“Do you think Alana and Silas will be there?” I ask, my voice hushed as I glance around. I don’t want anyone hearing me.

“If they are, who cares? You’re going to ignore them.” She sends me a pointed look. “And flirt with other boys.”

“Like who?”

“Anyone but Silas. Forget that guy. He made his choice. Forget her too.” I can hear the vague pain in Iris’s voice and I recognize it because I feel the same way.

Is it worse because we lost a friend? I think so. Boys come and go, but a betrayal from a friend hurts the most. At least in my opinion.

“I wouldn’t flirt with him,” I say, practically running to keep up with her because suddenly, Iris’s stride is eating up the ground. She’s either mad or hungry. Maybe a combination of both—dangerous.

“Good. You need to forget about him and take a look around.” She abruptly stops and so do I, watching as she waves her arm around in a sweeping gesture. “There are plenty of boys on this campus who would die for a chance to talk to you.”

“Like who?”

“I don’t know.” Now she’s throwing both arms up in the air, her frustration obvious. I bet she didn’t expect me to ask that question. “We’re going to dress up and look freaking hot and make them chase after us all night. You in?”

This sounds like a nightmare, but I can’t refuse her. She won’t let me. “I’m in.”

The grin is back and she lunges toward me, wrapping me up in a tight hug. “We’re going to have so much fun tonight. You won’t regret going, I promise.”

“I hope not.” My voice is muffled against her chest since she’s taller, but I don’t think she heard me.

We enter the dining hall still laughing, ignoring everyone else as we each pick out our usual breakfast: wheat toast for me, sometimes with avocado but today, they don’t have it, and a double chocolate chip muffin for Iris. We always get the same coffee order too—iced caramel white chocolate mocha is Iris’s and I get a vanilla latte with skim milk.

I have to watch what I eat because it’s easy for me to gain weight, unlike Iris, who consumes whatever she wants and never gains an ounce. I envy her ability to eat like complete garbage and still manage to look stunning.

Once we’re seated at our usual table and I’ve had a few sips of coffee and am feeling somewhat human, I start glancing around the cavernous room with a critical eye. Iris is oblivious, too busy picking at her muffin and scrolling her phone, searching for hairstyle ideas for tonight.

I’m checking all the boys out, hoping I can see them in a new light. I realized Mom is right—there are plenty of boys who go to Lancaster Prep, those who are in my grade that might interest me. But who? So many of them I’ve gone to school with for what feels like forever, though I suppose that shouldn’t matter.