“It’s not that big of a deal that you fell asleep in class,” he says, keeping up with me even though I’m walking faster. Like I want to get rid of him, but he doesn’t take the hint. “It happens to me all the time.”

I come to a stop and so does he. “Really?”

“Well … no.” He shrugs those broad shoulders of his and I study them for a moment. He’s big. Tall. He might even be taller than my father. “But I’ve wanted to. Plenty of times. A lot of the shit they talk about is boring.”

Rolling my eyes, I start walking once more, fighting the embarrassment that wants to swoop over me. That’s my issue with this entire moment. With my every interaction with Rhett Bennett, really. He’s always catching me at my worst. Or when something awful happens to me. And it’s only the second day of school. How much more humiliation must I endure?

“This conversation is pointless,” I tell him when I realize he’s not leaving my side. “We should go pay attention to what the teacher is saying.”

“Why? He’ll only put me to sleep.”

“I want to learn more about photography.” I tilt my chin up, my nose in the air, putting on my best snotty expression that I can muster. May as well lean into my rich girl attitude because I know he already thinks of me like that. Why else would he say I act like I have a stick up my ass?

“I’ve seen your photos on Insta. Seems like you’ve already got that handled.” He says this so casually, like it’s no big deal, but yet again, I come to a complete stop.

So does he.

“Are you … stalking me?” I shade my eyes from the sunlight with my hand. Rhett is backlit by the sun, which shadows his face and that’s a good thing.

He makes a dismissive noise. “Of course not. It’s pretty normal to check out someone’s social media after you meet them.”

“Oh.” He’s not wrong, but I didn’t think he’d ever admit to doing it.

I know I wouldn’t.

“Your photos look—good.” He’s nodding, trying to … what? Seem casual?

“Most of them I didn’t take,” I admit. “Someone else did.”


“No.” I shake my head. “Well, sometimes she does. I also have a professional take them for me on occasion.”

His brows shoot up. “Really?”

My cheeks start to burn. A surefire indication I’m embarrassed. Yet again. “I was trying to grow my social media presence.”

“With a professional photographer.”

I shrug.

“You’re just a regular girl who goes to high school,” he points out. Incorrectly, I might add.

“I am the oldest child of Crew and Wren Lancaster. High society knows who my parents are, and they keep track of them—and their children. I’ve been a part of their social circles since I was born,” I explain.

“Hanging out with a bunch of old people?” He sounds amused.

“People around my age. Your age. Some of those people even go to this school.”

“Let me guess—like Silas.”

My cheeks go even hotter if that’s possible. “Not quite.”

“Oh yeah? He’s not part of your fancy social circle?” His tone is snide, and I try my best to ignore it.

“No. His parents move in different circles compared to mine.”

Rhett doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. Just watches me with his hand on his jaw, stroking his chin slowly. The droning sound of Mr. Chen’s lecture reaches my ears and I realize I’m not missing a single thing.