“Because I’m not an asshole.” I push open the door for her. “Who hurt you to make you so damn defensive?”

Willow comes to a stop at the top of the steps, her shoulders sagging. I stand next to her, waiting for a response and the one she gives me is unexpected.

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m being a little … ridiculous.”

“It’s cool.” Shoving my hands in my pockets, I head down the stairs, skipping a couple of them and jumping to the ground. “Maybe you’re grumpy when you first wake up.”

“I am not,” she insists as she scurries down the steps, picking up her pace to keep up with me. “I think you enjoy giving me grief.”

“Can’t lie, it’s kind of fun.” I grin at her.

She scowls at me.

“You need to lighten up, Lancaster. Life doesn’t have to be so damn serious all the time.”

“How am I being too serious?” Her voice rises and I glance toward the rest of our class ahead of us, wondering if they can hear us. No one is paying us any attention though. They’re all laughing and having a good time.

“You act like you have a …” My voice drifts, and I reconsider what I’m going to say.

Yeah. I shouldn’t say that at all. Knowing her, she’ll get pissed at me. And I think she actually likes being angry with me.

“I act like I have a what?” she prompts when I go quiet.

“It’s nothing.” I shake my head. Smile at her.

That scowl remains on her face. It’s a good look for her though. She’s beautiful. Like, I could stare at her face for hours beautiful and it still wouldn’t be enough.

“Oh, it was definitely something. You should just say it, Rhett.”

I stand a little taller at her saying my name. I like how it sounds coming from her, even if she’s irritated with me. “You don’t want to know.”

“I really, really want to know.”

A ragged exhale leaves me and I stroke my chin, knowing I’m going to regret the choice I’m about to make.

“I was going to say you act like you’ve got a stick up your ass all the time.”



I gape at Rhett, shocked he would say something so crude. Now granted, I have two younger brothers and a father who can all talk crudely at one point or another and I hear them, but they very rarely direct that sort of talk at me.

While this boy—this obnoxious, full of himself boy—just flat out said he thinks I have a stick up my butt. What a jerk.

“I knew you wouldn’t like that,” he says after I remain silent for way too long.

We’re outside and the sun is warm on my face, making me squint, wishing I had sunglasses on. The majority of our class is ahead of us, listening to Mr. Chen talk about light and sun placement. And while I’d prefer listening to him rather than having a conversation with Rhett, I’m still standing here. Glaring at him.

Then I remember what he did earlier, when those boys knocked into me in the doorway and I almost fell. How he didn’t hesitate to tell them to watch it. He might’ve been a little rude toward them, but he did it in my defense and that was …


I don’t think he’s a bad person. I just don’t believe he’s my type of person.

“You’re right. I didn’t,” I retort, trying my best not to look at him. My gaze gets stuck on his handsome face and then I can’t think, which is annoying.

Everything about him is annoying, especially that gorgeous face of his. Ugh. I hate myself for even thinking that.