“It must be nice living such a delusional life. Believing you’re just that amazing.” The sarcasm is thick, but he barely acknowledges it.

“I’m not delusional, Will. I just know what I’m capable of.”

“And what exactly are you capable of?” I arch a brow, something I’ve practiced in my mirror for years before I somewhat perfected it.

“Impressing you.”

The bell finally rings and I face the front of the room once more, clutching my hands together, those two words running through my mind on repeat.

Impressing you.

He’s full of it. He has to be. I cling to what Iris said about him yesterday. He’s a giant flirt. He’s obviously arrogant and thinks he can do no wrong. And that anyone will do what he says. All he has to do is ask.

A streak of pride runs through me. I didn’t do what he asked, and I can’t help but be proud of myself. I bet girls fall at his feet every time he flashes that magnetic smile in their direction, but not me.

Not that I’m special or above everyone else, I just … I don’t have time to deal with someone like Rhett Bennett. I don’t like arrogant boys, which is kind of funny because they run rampant all over this campus.

Maybe that’s why I was drawn to Silas. He’s quiet and kind and never boastful—at least to me. I don’t remember a single moment where he bragged or showed off in front of me. Not like Rhett.

That’s all he does. That’s all he’s ever done since the moment I met him.

I feel something jostle one of my chair legs and I glance down to find Rhett’s legs stretched out, his loafered feet on either side of the chair. I’m half tempted to kick him out of the way, but I refuse to acknowledge him, even violently.

“The first book we’re going to read this semester is The Great Gatsby,” Mrs. Patel announces, holding up a copy of the book.

Oh good. I’ve never read that one.

Rhett groans behind me, the sound closer than I expected. “Snooze fest.”

“There’s a stack of books on a table in the back of the classroom,” Mrs. Patel explains. “I’ll release you by rows to go pick up your copies.”

I wait with nervous anticipation to go grab my book, offering Alana a smile when she walks past me to return to her desk, but she looks away, her lips curled in the faintest sneer.

Okay then.

“Damn,” Rhett mutters.

I frown at him and he shrugs. “She snubbed you.”

“She definitely did,” I agree.

Our row is finally released to go grab our books and I slowly rise from my desk, shocked to find Silas at my side. Since he sits in the same row, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at all, but I figured he’d avoid me like Alana just did.

Rhett seems to be waiting for me, his gaze roving over Silas, his lip curling with disgust.

“You have a good first day of school yesterday?” Silas asks me as we sail right past Rhett, heading for the table of books.

I nod, telling myself this means absolutely nothing. Silas is just being his usual, kind self. “It felt weird, being back.”

“I bet. We’re all glad you’re here, though.” Silas’s smile grows and he reaches out to grab a copy of the book from the table, handing it to me.

“Thank you.” I clutch the book to my chest, wanting to say more. But my gaze shifts to where Alana sits to find she’s already watching us.

And she doesn’t look pleased.

“You don’t want that copy.”

I turn to find Rhett standing in front of me, thrusting a less battered copy of the book toward me. “This one doesn’t have a ripped cover.”