
“I …” The words die on my lips and my entire mouth goes dry.

“It’s true, you know. That you’re beautiful.” He takes a step back, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You should come watch me practice sometime.”

I’m frowning. I can feel the crease between my eyebrows deepen. “Is that a thing?”

“Watching me play? It’s definitely a thing. I promise you won’t be disappointed.” He grins.

The ego on this boy …

“I don’t know if I have time.” I shrug, trying to play this off. And really?

Watching him play football sounds boring.

“You should try and fit me into your busy schedule.” His smile is faint, just a gentle curve of one side of his mouth, not revealing any teeth, and I can’t help but smile back. “I’ll make it worth your time.”

“You don’t even know me …” My voice drifts and I slowly shake my head, a huff of laughter escaping me. “Who put you up to this?”

The smile fades. Now he’s frowning. “What are you talking about? Put me up to what?”

“Talking to me.”

“Nobody put me up to anything. Maybe I wanted to.” His frown deepens. “What, are you trying to tell me that guys at this school don’t talk to you?”

I shrug, feeling helpless. Wishing I had Iris with me.

No. I don’t need Iris to have a conversation with a boy I don’t know. I can do this on my own. I don’t need my “guard dog” taking care of me all the time.

“They’re idiots,” he mutters when he realizes I’m not going to give him a verbal answer. “You’re like, the hottest girl I’ve ever seen on this stupid campus.”

My cheeks go hot and he notices.

“I’m serious,” he tells me. “I mean, look at you.”

“There is nothing special about me,” I murmur, and he actually bursts out laughing.

I stand there, waiting for him to finish, but he just keeps laughing. To the point that I start to feel uncomfortable and I’m shuffling my feet. Ready to make my escape when he finally says, “You look pretty fuckin’ special to me.”

“Is that a compliment?”


“Are you—flirting with me?”

“If you can’t tell, then I’m doing a shit job of it.” He grins.

My heart trips over itself.

“Willow! There you are!”

I turn to see Iris making her way toward us, her eyes full of curiosity at finding me talking to Rhett.

“Hey,” I say weakly to my cousin, scared her appearance might make him leave.

Though maybe that’s a good thing. My stomach is currently tied up in knots over this weird conversation.

“Rhett, leave my cousin alone,” Iris tells him, her tone faintly teasing. I send her a dirty look, though she doesn’t even notice.