“Do you think I’m boring?” I whisper.

Iris’s expression turns incredulous, her fork clattering in the now mostly empty bowl. “Boring? Absolutely not. You’re one of the most interesting people I know.”

She’s just saying that. She has to say that because she is my cousin. We’re blood. Practically sisters.

“Uh huh.” I push my salad bowl farther away from me, until it’s practically in the center of the table. “I hate everything she just said.”

“She’s a bitch,” Iris says vehemently. “And she knows just how to get under your skin because we’ve been friends with her for so long.”

“Alana wasn’t that mean toward you. She only called you a guard dog,” I point out.

“Because her real beef is with you.”

“I don’t fight with anyone.”

“Don’t be dense, Willow. This is about Silas. I’m guessing the only reason she’s acting that way toward you is because for whatever reason, she’s insecure about her stupid relationship with him and wants to keep you away from him. Talk about boring.” Iris actually snorts, slouching in her chair and crossing her arms in front of her. “They deserve each other because they’re both so pathetic.”

“I appreciate you standing up for me all the time,” I say, my voice still soft, my thoughts all over the place.

Iris watches me and I know she can tell I’m stressing out. “Don’t let what she said bother you. Seriously. I didn’t know being in a relationship would turn her into such a witch.”

“She’s awful,” I agree, grabbing my backpack before I stand. “I think I’m going to go to the library.”

Iris sits up straight, but I see the misery on her face. She’s not a fan of the library or books, which I don’t really get. “You want me to go with you?”

I can tell by her tone that she doesn’t want to go, but she’ll do it for me. And I’m realizing she does a lot for me. After being on my own for almost a year in a foreign country, I come back to Lancaster Prep and fall right back into my old habits. They probably weren’t such great habits either. Maybe Alana is right. I need to learn how to stand on my own two feet.

“I think I need some alone time.” I offer Iris a reassuring smile. “But thanks.”

“Don’t dwell too much on what she said. I mean it, Willow. She was just trying to be mean, and look—it worked.”

“Okay, sure.” I walk away before she can say anything else, gripping the strap of my backpack extra tight as I exit the dining hall.

First day of school and I’m already miserable, which was not what I expected. I figured I’d be welcomed back with open arms. Everything would be the same, and Iris and I would be on top of the world. Living our best lives as seniors—finally.

I’ve been waiting for this moment since I started high school, and instead it’s all different. I’ve lost a friend—and she stole the guy I had a crush on, which she knew.

Meaning, she knew what she was doing. Alana probably went after Silas on purpose. And if that isn’t the bitchiest thing ever …

“Hey, Willy!”

I come to a stop at the familiar male voice, pausing in the middle of the walkway, waiting for that same voice to say something else. He doesn’t disappoint.

“Where you going in such a hurry? Lunch barely started.”

My eyes fall closed for a hot second and I count quickly to five before I open them and slowly turn around to face who’s questioning me.

It’s Rhett. Sitting on top of one of the picnic benches that are in the quad just outside the dining hall, a big grin on his handsome face. He’s shed the uniform jacket, clad in only the white button up and he’s got the sleeves rolled up. Revealing tanned, strong forearms dusted with golden brown hair.

I stare at those stupidly attractive arms for a moment too long and when I finally lift my gaze to his, I see the smirk on his face. Like he knows what I’m doing.

How embarrassing.

“Never call me Willy again,” I tell him, my voice flat. Realizing I sound rude and I just dealt with someone who said awful things to me, I immediately gentle my tone. “Please.”

His smile doesn’t slip whatsoever. “Isn’t that your name?”

“No one calls me Willy.” I hesitate. “Like ever.”