Page 152 of All My Kisses for You

“The season is over, remember?” Ooh, Row’s tone is just as jerkish as August’s. I’m proud of him. “It’s—a girl.”

Iris sits up straight, rubbing her hands together. “Tell us everything. Let me play matchmaker.”

“I don’t like her.” Row’s voice is firm. “It’s not like that. She drives me crazy. I want advice on how to get her to stop talking to me.

“How exactly does she drive you crazy?” I ask.

“Like I said, she won’t stop talking to me. We have a lot of classes together and it’s just … nonstop.” He rolls his eyes. “And she talks about stuff I don’t care about.”

“Tell her that,” August says, earning a hard stare from both me and Iris. “Or maybe not. Though that’s the easiest way to get rid of her.”

“That’s mean,” I stress. “Don’t do that.”

“She probably likes you,” Iris adds.

Row grimaces. As if the concept is foreign to him. “No way. She doesn’t like me. Not like that.”

“Then why does she keep talking to you?” Iris asks. “That’s a sign that she might be into you.”

“I think it’s a sign that she can’t stand me so she keeps up the chatter to get under my skin,” Rowan says, grabbing his menu and opening it, even though he told us only a few minutes ago what he wants to order. “This conversation is going nowhere.”

Because he’s not listening to us. If he treats this poor girl like that, no wonder she keeps talking to him. And I’d guess Iris is right—I bet this girl does like him. Poor thing. She’s dealing with someone who’s absolutely clueless.

August and Row start talking about the latest Formula 1 race and I turn to Iris, lowering my voice. “Do you know what’s going on with Rhett?”

Iris frowns. “What do you mean? Please don’t tell me there’s trouble in paradise. You guys are the only reason I believe in love.”

“Oh, that’s such crap and you know it,” I tease. “You are so in love with Brooks it’s almost pathetic.”

“I’m offended.” From the tone of her voice, I can tell she’s not offended whatsoever. “How is Rhett acting weird?”

“He seems very … secretive. Like he’s hiding something from me. Nothing bad,” I rush to say when Iris’s mouth pops open. “I’m just guessing that something is going on and I wish I knew what it was.”

“I know nothing,” Iris says, her expression solemn. “And if I did, I’d tell you.”

My cousin is right. She would totally tell me.

“I know you would.” I offer her a small smile, fighting the frustration filling me.

Guess I’ll have to figure out this mystery on my own.


“What are you doing tonight?” Rhett asks me during lunch on Wednesday.

“Studying for finals,” I remind him, sending him a look. “You should be too.”

He rolls his eyes. “Do the teachers pay you to say that shit to me?”

I nudge him in the ribs, leaning into him because he’s solid and warm and I can’t get enough. “No. I’m just trying to help you out and keep you on track.”

“Do my parents pay you, then? No wonder they love you so much.” He slings his arm around my shoulders and tucks me even closer into him, his mouth landing on my forehead. “I wanted to get together with you tonight.”

“I’ll be at the library after school and I don’t know how long it’s going to take.” I’ve been practically living there all week. “You should join me.”

The disappointment on his handsome face is clear. “The library, princess? Really?”

“Only a couple of more days.” I brush my mouth along his jaw, breathing in his delicious spicy scent. “And then we’re free for two whole weeks.”