Page 151 of All My Kisses for You

“That your dad right there?” Willow’s father points his fork at the screen.

“Yeah.” I smile when I see him standing on the sidelines holding his clipboard in front of his face so no one can figure out what he’s saying.

“So freaking cool that your dad coaches for the NFL.” Willow’s youngest brother Beau’s eyes light up.

“It’s pretty freaking cool,” I agree, settling onto the couch right next to Iris, who is cozied up with Brooks. “I need to talk to you,” I tell her.

She’s frowning. “What about?”

I can see Willow talking to her mom and aunt, her expression radiant, her hair appearing ready to fall out of the bun. I would do anything for this girl, and I’m about to prove that very fact.

“A present for Willow. I have this idea …”



Rhett is being weird and I can’t stop thinking about it. He’s acting mysterious. Maybe even a little bit …


Yes, definitely sneaky.

School is winding down for the semester and winter break is almost here. Everyone who wants to go to college has turned in their applications, even Iris, who did it reluctantly but she also admitted that she wanted a back-up plan. I have a feeling if Brooks ends up going somewhere, she’ll follow him. They’re in love. Madly, passionately in love.

Just like Rhett and I are.

I’m boggled by how mysterious he’s being. What is he hiding from me? What sort of plan does he have in place? Because that’s what it feels like. He’s planning and plotting something, and I can’t figure out what. I thought it might be related to Christmas, but it’s too soon for that. Christmas isn’t for another two weeks, and besides—how much does he need to plan for a Christmas gift?

Though I do know my boyfriend is a “go big or go home” kind of guy, so maybe this shouldn’t surprise me. I need to ask Iris if she knows anything about his weird behavior.

I’m at Sunday brunch with my cousins, which is the perfect opportunity to question her. It’s a new thing that we’ve started over the last month—a way for us to connect with each other and catch up on what’s going on. Currently in attendance is me, Iris, Row and even … August. He just got out of college for the semester and agreed to coming to brunch with us only because Iris begged and pleaded.

“He loves to be begged,” Iris told me right before we entered the restaurant. “I feel sorry for the woman he ends up with. He’ll probably have her constantly on her knees.”

“Ew, Iris, why did you have to go there?” My disgust made Iris laugh. I’m sure she’s on her knees for Brooks.

I know I’m on my knees for Rhett so …

“None of you are having a drink?” August asks once the server drops off his mimosa.

“We’re all underage,” Iris reminds him.

“Right,” he drawls before taking a healthy sip. “Why am I here again?”

“To bond with your family.” Iris smacks August’s arm, earning a deathly glare. “Oh stop. You act like such a prick all the time. Aren’t you exhausted?”

“This is my personality, so no. I’m not exhausted,” August utters, his voice dripping with his disgust.

Iris rolls her eyes at me while Row starts talking.

“I have an issue.” We all go quiet when he says that. My brother is probably the most easygoing one out of all of us. He rarely has an issue with anything.

“Is it school?” I ask.

Rowan shakes his head.

“Football?” August asks, though he says the word like a curse. He’s not into football. Thinks it’s lame that his cousins and little brother plays.