Page 137 of All My Kisses for You

“I so did. He drove me bonkers. He still does.” Her smile is soft, her gaze going hazy. “He’s such a good kisser though. Who knew?”

Shaking my head, I scan the field until I find Brooks, who’s currently doing some sort of weird dance that looks extra goofy considering his size. “He’s silly.”

“He makes me laugh.” Iris is watching him too. “I like that he’s silly.”

“You need silly. Sometimes you’re a little too serious.” I pause. “Well, serious isn’t the right word. You’re too …”

“Dramatic,” she supplies for me. “He takes me down a notch, which I need. I like that about him. I like a lot of things about him.”

I make like I’m going to cover my ears with my hands. “If you say anything about particular body parts or how good he is with them, I’m going to scream.”

“Ha! I won’t torture you out here in public.” She glances around at the smattering of girls and guys sitting in the stands. “I don’t want anyone knowing how good I’ve got it. He seems to cruise under the radar. Unlike your guy.”

My heart warms at hearing Rhett referred to as my guy, though I don’t love everything she said. Not like she’s lying though. Rhett definitely brings a lot of attention on himself. He’s the current face of the athletic department. Feels like everyone is watching him at all times, and I wonder if he hates that.

I’m sure he does. It’s a lot of pressure.

“Where is he?” Iris asks when I remain quiet. “I figured he’d show up to practice. If he doesn’t, those quit the team rumors will really gain some legs.”

“I’m surprised there aren’t more people out here to see if he’d show up,” I mumble.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

A sigh leaves me and I lean in close, lowering my voice. “He had a meeting with Westscott and his parents. Oh, and someone from the board of trustees.”

Iris’s brows shoot up. “I wonder if it was your uncle Grant. He is the president, you know.”

“I’m not sure.” I didn’t even think about that. Uncle Grant is just as grumpy as Iris’s dad. Together those two are a force most don’t want to reckon with.

“I bet Westscott gets fired.”

“I would feel bad if he did.”

“Look, Willow, you’re not responsible for his behavior. He’s the one who threatened you. Who butted into your personal business and tried to tell you what to do. He has no right to do that, and if he gets in trouble and gets fired, then that’s on him. Not you.” Iris’s eyes blaze with anger, and I can’t lie, I’m shocked by her outburst.

But I’m also realizing she’s just speaking the truth.

“Fine. You’re right.” My gaze goes to the sidelines, wishing Rhett was standing there. I need to see him. I go a couple of hours without him and I feel like a junkie needing her fix. “He’s a jerk.”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

“And if he gets fired, I have nothing to do with it.” I’m saying this like I need to hear it, which I do. “He brought it on himself.”

“Exactly.” All the boys on the field start yelling and we both turn our heads to see what’s going on.

My heart trips over itself when I see who’s joined them out on the field.

It’s Rhett. All of his teammates surround him, celebrating his return, even though he never really left, and I can’t help but smile as I watch him. He’s smiling and laughing as they all crowd him, one of their coaches eventually blowing his whistle to get them to break up and get back to practice.

Within minutes he’s out on the field, throwing the ball to Brooks, who catches it with ease. I watch them, impressed with how far he can throw the ball, and how Brooks catches it every time. They’re good together, which is kind of fun.

Me and my best friend have fallen for best friends. How convenient is that?

“I love watching them play together,” Iris murmurs, like she’s in my head and knows what I’m thinking.

“I do too.” I send her a quick smile. “They’re good.”

“So good.” Iris nods. “You going to talk to Rhett after practice?”