Page 134 of All My Kisses for You

“Too late. You did.” He kisses my forehead. “Don’t listen to any of the rumors going around school. It’s all a bunch of lies. I’ll let you know what happens as soon as we get out of the meeting with Westscott.”

“Are you nervous?”

“A little,” he admits. “Dad told me to stay out of class today. Keep a low profile until we figure everything out.”

“That’s good advice.”

“I think so too.” He spins me around by my shoulders, reaching out to open the door. “Go back to class. Tell Silas hi from me.”

I glance over my shoulder. “You saw him sitting next to me?”

“Yeah.” His expression turns grim. “Tell that fucker to stay away from my girl.”

“I can’t say that.” I loved how he just called me his girl.

“You can’t? Fine, I’ll tell him then.” Rhett gives me a gentle shove and I exit the closet with him following after me. “Like I said, don’t listen to the rumors. People will be talking mad shit about me.”

“They already are.”

“Right. Only believe what you hear from me.” He hooks his arm around my neck and hauls me in close, kissing my cheek. “I’ll see you later?”

“Yes,” I whisper, smiling at him. “Text me.”

“I will.”

I watch him walk away from me, calling out, “Good luck!”

He flashes me that cocky smile. The one he gave me the first day I met him, out in front of the house. “With you on my side, I don’t need any luck.”

I smile, wishing I could tell him how I really feel, but this is way too soon. I can’t be in love with him already.

Can I?



We’re in a neutral space—my dad, mom and me, along with Westscott and a representative from the Lancaster family—Whit Lancaster, Iris’s dad.

He’s an intimidating motherfucker, sitting at the head of the table in one of the meeting rooms in the admin building. Mom and Dad are completely unfazed by him, making small talk while Westscott sits on the other side of the table, looking like he’s sweating profusely. His face is red and his lips are tight, like he might have trouble speaking.

Whatever. I’m still so pissed at him I can hardly see straight when I look at him, so I avoid doing that at all costs.

Lancaster checks his phone, frowning as he taps out a quick response before he smoothly puts his phone in his pocket. Dude showed up in a three-piece suit while Dad is in his Nike track pants and a polo shirt with the NFL emblem on both. Not sure if he wore that on purpose or left work looking like this, but I don’t mind. I like the reminder. My dad is a badass. So is my mom. She told me before the meeting that she was mad at Westscott and he took things too far.

Glad to know my parents are on my side.

“I thought my cousin Grant would be able to make the meeting, but it turns out he had an unexpected meeting, which means I’m the only Lancaster representative here today.” He sits up straighter, a single brow rising as he contemplates Westscott. “Would you like to explain yourself, Claude?”

Damn what a shitty name. I’d want to be known as Westscott all the time too.

“You already know how I feel, Whit. This young man is important to our athletic team and the school in general. And while I understand that he believes I overstepped my boundaries and spoke to him in an inappropriate manner, I sincerely had his best interests at heart. Nothing more,” Westscott explains.

“I believe you overstepped your boundaries as well,” Dad tells him. “You have no business asking my son those personal questions. You can’t tell him what to do during the weekend either.” “That’s incorrect,” Westscott says, his voice cool. “Any time a student is on the Lancaster Prep campus, I have the authority to discipline them as I see fit.”

“You see, Claude, that’s part of the problem. Mr. Bennett here was on my property for the weekend,” Whit says, inclining his head toward me. “When he’s off campus, he’s not your issue.”

Westscott clamps his lips together, like he’s trying to prevent himself from saying something stupid. “Can’t you see that everything I’m doing is for the betterment of this establishment? I’m trying to turn this place around and make it a better school. You are a part of that plan, Rhett, and you’re an excellent athlete and student. You’re a great representation of this school. I’m only trying to watch out for you.”