“For a sophomore, your brother is pretty good. I’ve been giving him tips since he’s a quarterback like I am.” Rhett contemplates me, his gaze roaming, and my skin grows warm all over from his blatant examination. “We talked about you.”
My heart falls. God, what did they say? What did Row tell him? We haven’t talked much since we returned from our European vacation. The moment he came back here, he was all about practice. We talked some on vacation, but we haven’t had any deep conversations like we used to.
There’s a distance with Rowan and me that started when I left for Lancaster Prep to start high school. He came to campus last year while I was gone, so this is the first—and only—time we’ll be at Lancaster Prep together during high school. Meaning, right now, Row almost feels like a stranger. Things are happening in his life that I’m not privy to and I wish we were closer.
“Come sit by me, Lancaster.” Rhett’s tone is inviting and for a moment I’m tempted.
But I remain rooted in place, unable to move. It would probably be a mistake, sitting closer to him. Aren’t I close enough already?
“Don’t do it.” Again, this comes from Silas and I turn around in my seat to face him, noting the way Alana is watching our interaction, annoyance filling her gaze. “He’s just toying with you, Willow.”
Like you did with me, is what I want to say to Silas, but I don’t. “I’m a big girl,” I reassure him with a sniff. “I can handle myself.”
I shift my attention to Alana, who’s expression turns faux friendly the moment our gazes connect. “Willow, it’s so good to see you back.”
Her voice is warm, but her eyes are dead. Like she’s merely going through the motions versus actually meaning what she says.
“I sent you a text when I got home,” I remind her. “You never responded.”
And that hurt. She was avoiding me and I didn’t know why.
Now I do.
“I’m sorry. I’ve just been so busy this summer.” She shares a quick look with Silas before returning her attention to me. “Want to catch up at lunch?”
“Actually, I would love to,” I say just as our English teacher Mrs. Patel enters the classroom at the same time the bell rings. I turn to face forward once more, not looking in Rhett’s direction, though I can still feel him watching me. Can almost sense the disappointment he’s experiencing because I didn’t rush to sit next to him.
I don’t even know him. Just because he’s attractive doesn’t mean I’ll do whatever he wants when he snaps his fingers. I need to play it cool, which I’ve never really had to do before. I’m just … who I am, accept me or not. With Rhett though? It feels different. If I act like I’m into him, he might blow me off because from what I’ve seen and heard, lots of girls are into him. No way do I want to be just another girl who has a crush on Rhett Bennett.
I want to stand out.
By the time it’s lunch period, I’ve already filled Iris in on Alana joining us, and she’s all fired up.
“I have a few questions for her myself,” she mutters as we enter the dining hall. “Though she probably won’t like what I have to say.”
“Please don’t start a fight.” Iris’s personality default is fiery and she’s always ready to argue at a moment’s notice while I avoid confrontation.
“I don’t want to fight with her. I just want to ask her why she avoided me most of the summer, especially after we spent so much time together during school. It was rude.” I know Alana’s disappearance hurt Iris’s feelings too.
We both get in line for the salad bar, Iris ahead of me.
“It was totally rude,” I agree, validating her feelings. “But maybe there were other things going on in her life.”
I’m all for trying to figure out why someone behaves the way they do. Sometimes it’s nothing personal. They’ve got their own problems they’re trying to deal with and it affects their relationships. Friendships. Whatever.
“I sent her texts, Willow. Multiple times. Or I’d send her funny TikToks like we always used to do, and when summer first started, she’d respond, but eventually, she ignored me.” Iris tosses lettuce into her empty bowl like she’s mad at it.
“Well, please don’t attack her. We don’t know what was going on in her life. Let her explain herself first.”
Iris shakes her head. “I don’t know how you can be so calm about it. It’s obvious why she avoided us—she was too busy with Silas. Meaning, she did you dirty, hooking up with him. They’re a bona fide couple you know. Bronwyn told me.”
“Who’s Bronwyn?” I’ve never heard Iris mention that name before.
“Oh, we became friends last year. She’s a junior. Really sweet. She has Spanish with Alana during second period and she asked her about Silas. Alana basically told her everything,” Iris explains, her tone casual.