Rhett: Turns out I can’t. Forgot I have weight training and early morning practice tomorrow. But I’ll see you in class? Maybe right before school starts even?
Disappointment fills me, but I push past it. This is important to him. Football. Practice. Weight training. All of it. It’s making him a better player and I need to support him in his passions.
Me: I totally understand.
Rhett: Still miss you.
Me: I miss you too.
Rhett: You’ll have to sneak me into your room one day.
Me: I’m sure you’d love that.
Rhett: Actually I know you’ll love it more.
He then sends me the tongue sticking out emoji.
My face goes hot and I smile.
We’re going to be just fine.
“Thank you for coming by so early in the morning to see me,” Westscott welcomes me as I stride into his office. “Please. Sit down.”
“I’d rather stand.” My impatience is showing and I feel like a jerk, but I can’t help it. This meeting was called at the last minute via a text from the headmaster—which never happens. I was tempted to say no, but how can I say no to my biggest advocate on this campus?
No way could I turn him down.
I check my phone yet again for the time, hating how this impromptu meeting is eating into my morning. I need to go to weight training. Warned Coach I’d be late because I was meeting with Westscott, and he was cool with it, but I feel bad. Plus, I don’t want to let the rest of the team down. I have to lead by example. Meaning, I should be there.
“Anxious to get to practice?” Westscott seats himself behind the desk, leaning back in his chair as if he has all the time in the world.
“Yeah. I never want to miss it.” I stress those last words, but he acts oblivious to my urgency.
“You’re a great example to the team, Rhett. How was your weekend?”
I frown. Why are we making small talk? “It was good. Busy.”
“Where were you?”
His tone is friendly, but there’s something else to it that I can’t quite explain—and it seems kind of hostile. Like how is it his business, where I was this weekend? I checked out of school like I was supposed to. I’m not about to break any rules right now. Everything is riding on football and there’s no chance I’m going to fuck it up by doing something dumb.
“Visiting friends.” I hesitate, noting the flicker of annoyance in his gaze. “I followed the rules for check out, sir. Even my parents okayed it since they were here Friday night for the game.”
“Of course, of course. I’m not saying you broke any rules or did anything …” His words die and he considers me for a moment. “May I be blunt with you?”
I flick my chin at him. “Go for it.”
“You were with Willow Lancaster, weren’t you?”
I blink at him, surprised he knew. How did he find out? “I was actually with Rowan and Brooks Crosby.”
“You’re suddenly friends with Rowan.” The doubt in his voice is obvious.
“There’s no sudden about it. He’s the JV quarterback, I’m the varsity quarterback. He looks to me for guidance and I give it to him. We’ve grown closer because of it.” I seriously shouldn’t have to justify my friendship to this guy.