“No. I don’t know. I can’t remember.”

“That must be it then. He has so many girls throwing themselves at him. You’re just one more face he’s trying to recognize.” She laughs.

Iris sounds perfectly logical and I just nod, trying to push him out of my thoughts. I need to focus on my new classes. My schedule in Italy was so lax compared to here. I never felt like I was behind, but we definitely focused on subjects that we rarely study here.

The program I was accepted into had a section that was solely devoted to art. Roman art. Medieval. Renaissance and Baroque art. We traveled all over the country, visiting various museums and art galleries, and I was in absolute heaven. That is why Mom convinced my father to let me do it. She’s just as into art as I am, and my grandmother too. It was so much fun, but now, I’m back to work.

Iris and I already compared schedules the minute we got them, and we don’t have first period together so we part ways and I head toward the building where my honors English class is. Iris is in college prep English since she’s more of a science and math girlie, which works out nice for the both of us. We’re always helping each other out with our classes.

I missed that last year. It’ll be nice to be back into my normal routine. One more year here.

And then the possibilities are endless.

When I enter the classroom, I stop short, my gaze landing on Silas and Alana sitting right across from each other in the middle of the rows of desks. Alana’s gaze catches mine and she offers me a tight smile and a tiny wave.

I wave back, mouthing the word hi and turn on my heel, stumbling and losing my footing. My face goes hot as I realize in a split second that I’m falling. I want to die of mortification, especially when I land in someone’s lap.

A male someone’s lap.

“If you’re trying to catch my attention, it worked.” His voice is deep and delicious and makes my stomach twist in anticipation.

I jerk my head up, my gaze meeting twinkling hazel eyes. A knowing smile spreads across his face and I leap out of his lap, not even sure how I managed to fall into it, but oh my God, I so did.

“Sorry,” I mumble, scurrying away from Rhett Bennett and collapsing into a desk in the next row over, across from his.

He swivels in his seat, and I don’t look up from my task, though I can feel his gaze on me, hot and intense. I’m unzipping my backpack and pulling a notebook out, hoping he’ll look away. Hoping Silas and Alana didn’t witness me falling on him. There aren’t that many people in here yet, including the teacher, and maybe everyone will forget this ever happened.

“Wanting to sit next to me, huh, new girl?” Rhett asks.

A wave of giggles fills the room and I finally dare to glance up to find him still staring at me.

He ditched the jersey and is now wearing the requisite school uniform. His tie is crooked and loose around his neck, the white shirt wrinkled. The blue jacket clings to his shoulders, emphasizing how wide they are, and when my gaze finally meets his, I can see the amusement there.

My heart sinks into my stomach. I’m funny to him. Like I’m a joke. He probably loves that I fell into his lap. Might even think I did it on purpose.

He pats the desk directly behind him. “Sit with me.”

I slowly shake my head.

His disappointment is obvious. He even rests his hands over his chest, like he might be clutching his heart. “Come on, new girl. Do me a favor.”

“I’m not new,” I murmur.

He leans forward, as if he’s trying to hear me. “What did you say?

“She said she’s not new.” I’d recognize that voice anywhere, and I sort of want to die. “She’s a Lancaster, dumbass.”

It’s Silas.

Glancing over my shoulder, I send him what I hope is an evil glare before I turn forward, clearing my throat. “I was gone last year. Part of a foreign exchange program.”

“I remember you telling me that.” Rhett doesn’t seem affected at all by Silas calling him a dumbass, which was really … cruel of Silas to say. “You’re Row’s sister. We met a couple of days ago.”

“Right.” I frown. “I must not have been that memorable if you already forgot me.”

“I didn’t forget you. I was just teasing.” His gaze is warm and his expression is kind. Maybe he really was teasing me.

“Oh.” I swallow hard, not knowing what else to say.