Page 110 of All My Kisses for You

Her cheeks turn the faintest shade of pink. “Thank you.”

We stare at each for a moment and I see the uncertainty flicker in her gaze.

“I’m sorry for what happened last night. I didn’t mean to insult you or hurt your feelings.” Her voice is soft, making it hard to hear her clearly.

I take a step closer to her, resting my hand on the balcony’s ledge. “I was kind of a dick.”

“No, I was rude. I don’t know what I was trying to say, but I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you, Rhett. It’s just—there are other circumstances preventing me from being with you.” She covers her face with her hands. “Oh, that was so presumptive of me. I don’t expect us to be together. I don’t even know how you feel about me.”

Well, that’s total crap because I’ve told her how I feel about her multiple times, but maybe she needs to hear it again.

Shifting closer, I circle my fingers around her wrist and tug one of her hands down, causing her to drop the other. “Tell me what’s going on, Will. I feel like you’re keeping secrets from me.”

“Can I tell you later?” It’s her turn to come closer, her body colliding gently with mine, sending an electric shock spiraling through my blood, settling in my dick. “I don’t want to ruin tonight. Will you accept my apology?”

I can hear the agony in her voice, see the swirl of emotion in her eyes. She hated that she made me angry. “Yes.” I slip my arm around her slender waist, my fingers landing on the bare skin that’s exposed by the cutouts in her dress. Her skin is warm and smooth and God, her smell. I can’t get enough of it. “Think we can ditch the party?”

She rests her hand lightly on my chest, her touch like a brand. I’m hers, whether she realizes it or not. And she’s mine. “I don’t think I want to. Not yet, at least. Is that bad? Let’s wander around together. Please?”

“Want to feel like a couple, Will?” I put it into words, knowing she wouldn’t dare say it out loud. And from the way her cheeks turn redder, I’m thinking I hit it right on the head.

“I do,” she whispers. “Again, I’m making assumptions but …”

I cut her off with my lips, delivering a soft kiss. Keeping it light because the second we take it deeper, I’m not going to be able to stop. And I’m not about to devour her in front of a bunch of thirteen-year-old girls and her family. “You’re not making assumptions. I want the same thing.”

“You do?” She sounds giddy. She even laughs. “We barely know each other. It’s only been—”

I deliver another kiss to her lips to shut her up. “Sometimes when you know, you just know. Right?”

She nods, her fingers drifting down my chest, her light touch making me shiver. “That’s what my father has always said.”

“Seriously?” I’m frowning.

“Yes.” Willow plucks at the front of my shirt, keeping her gaze on her hand. “He used to tell me the story of when he met my mother and how they fell in love. She hated him at first, but he told me he just … knew. Even though he was in denial and told himself that he didn’t like her either, he wasn’t being truthful. He was drawn to her from the start.”

“My dad admitted to me that he saw my mom in the stands of a football game and fell in love with her that day. He never even talked to her for the next two years,” I confess. “Her older brother played the same position as my dad at their rival school. They were enemies. He likes to give my uncle Jake shit to this day, but they like each other. I think.”

“That sounds so romantic,” Willow whispers, her lips curving upward. “I think we both come from a family of romantics.”

“You’re probably right.” I touch her hair, pushing a strand behind her ear. “I wouldn’t call myself a romantic, though.”

“Really? You’ve been pretty romantic toward me,” she whispers.

“I’m only a romantic for you,” I murmur, leaning in to press my lips to her cheek. Her ear. “I can’t wait to get you alone.”

A shiver moves through her, so strong I can feel it. She pulls away from me, a knowing smile on her face as she grabs hold of my hand and tugs. “Not yet, Rhett Bennett. We’re going to make the rounds first.”

“Oh, yeah?” I go along with her as we walk away from the pool and head for where the party guests are congregated.

“Unfortunately, my grandmother already left for the evening or I would’ve introduced you. She’d love you. I just know it.” Willow laughs. “I’ll introduce you to the rest of my family that’s here though.”

A month ago, this would’ve made me freak the fuck out. I’m not about meeting some girl’s family. Not normally. But that was before I met Willow.

Now, I’m in. I’ve already met the parents and she’s met mine. Only a few weeks in and we’re past the major hurdles. It’s all moving so damn fast, but I’m all for it.

I haven’t forgotten what she said though. I want to know what circumstances aren’t allowing her to go public with me. Sounds bogus. If she’s just stringing me along for some weird reason, I’m going to be pissed.

But I’m still gonna go along with it anyway.