Page 104 of All My Kisses for You

Damn it, I can’t stay mad at her. Not when she’s awkwardly trying to get back on the swan, laughing the entire time. Eventually Vaughn holds the front of the swan to stabilize it for her and she gets what she wants. Sitting on top of the swan, straddling the swan’s neck, lifting her right arm in triumph while Vaughn swims to the back of it and pushes her around the pool. They pass by me and she smiles, her eyes glowing, the look on her face just for me. Silently communicating that she remembers what we shared last night too, and do I want to do it again?

That’s the message I’m taking from that look. And my response is yes. Yes, fucking please let’s do it again.

“Hey.” Brooks magically appears, clad in a pair of pale pink swim trunks and wearing a hideous Hawaiian print shirt he left unbuttoned. He falls onto the lounger next to mine and stretches out his big frame, tilting his face toward the sun. “What did I miss?”

“The question we really should ask is where were you?”

He pulls a pair of sunglasses out of the front pocket of his shirt and slips them on, shading his eyes. “Went to check out my room and change. I’m right next door to you.”

Thank God we’re not sharing a room. He’d probably kick me out and entertain Iris in it all night.

“Check out your room, huh? That’s what we’re calling it?”

Brooks remains as cool as ever, seemingly unfazed. “This place is like a damn hotel.”

“With free services?” He finally turns his head in my direction. “Come clean, my friend. Where were you really?”

He glances back at Row before turning to face me, his voice going low. “With Iris.”

“Doing what?”

“You know.”

“Chatting her up?” My tone, my face is pure innocence.

“Sure.” His voice is smooth, his gaze shifting down and to the left.

I remember reading somewhere recently that’s how you know someone is lying. When they look down and to the left.

“Chatting her up while your dick was inside her?” I ask, keeping it casual.

A strangled sound leaves Brooks, causing him to immediately start coughing, and I just sit there and watch him while he has a complete attack. They even go quiet in the pool, all of them not moving while they wait for Brooks to finish.

“Are you okay?” Willow asks when he’s finally done, her voice full of concern.

“I’m fine,” he manages to utter, his voice strangled. He keeps clearing his throat, and I have to admit to myself I don’t even feel bad for making that happen.

“Must’ve nailed it,” I say only when they all start swimming around again, their constant chatter background noise to our conversation. “Or maybe I should say, you must’ve been nailing her.”

“Look, I don’t want it getting around, especially to her family.” Brooks casts a worried glance toward the pool before he meets my gaze again. “She’d prefer to keep this a secret.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” I say solemnly, meaning every word I say. I won’t break Brooks’s trust. He’s my best friend at this school. I won’t put that at risk.

“Good.” He sits up, turning to sit on the side of the lounger facing me, his bare feet planted on the ground. “I think I’m in love with her.”

Now I’m the one coughing, choking on my own saliva because damn, that’s a big statement. “Seriously?”

Brooks nods, his face gravely serious. “I can’t stop thinking about her. She’s all I want to see, to do, to talk to. She keeps pushing me away and that only makes me want her more. It’s bad, but I never want the feeling to stop.”

“Sounds like you’re obsessed.”

“That’s it. That’s the perfect word to describe how I feel about her.” He leans forward and so do I, sensing he’s going to say something important. “We just fucked for the last thirty minutes in my room. I came twice. I don’t know how she does it.”

I’m envious. I wish I was the one fucking for thirty minutes straight and it was good enough that I’m coming twice. “Sounds fun.”

“It was fun. It’s like, life-transforming. What this girl makes me feel …” His voice drifts, and he shakes his head. “Like I said, I think I love her.”

“Do you think she loves you?”