Page 102 of All My Kisses for You

“It won’t be so bad.” Summer’s gaze slides to mine. “You don’t mind helping, do you, Willow?”

“Of course not. I’m happy to help and it sounds like fun.” As fun as fifteen girls could be—which sounds a little terrifying, but I don’t mention that. “Is there a theme for the party?”

“Everything is pink and girly,” Summer says, which causes the boys to groan some more. The withering stare Iris sends in their direction would devastate weaker men, but no one reacts. “Oh, and there will be a fortune teller there too. Though she does things a little differently.”

“Ooh, that sounds fun.” Iris lightly jabs me in the ribs with her elbow. “How does she read you your fortune?”

“You have to kiss a card with lipstick. She reads lip prints. She’s a little quirky but pretty much anyone who tells you your fortune has to be quirky,” Summer explains.

“I can’t wait.” Iris rubs her hands together, her gaze stuck on Brooks, who stares back at her helplessly. “I’m looking forward to what my fortune will say.”

“Me too,” I murmur, though I’m lying.

It sounds intimidating. What if the fortune teller says something I don’t want to hear? I feel bad enough about everything that’s happened since last night with Rhett. I don’t care about having my fortune told.

I need to fix what happened with him—and hopefully it’s not too late.



We’re all sitting out by the pool before lunch, staying out of the way as the event planner and her staff show up to set up for the birthday party. I feel like I shouldn’t be here because of it and I even told Rowan that right after breakfast, but he reassured me we can stay. It’ll give him someone to hang out with versus having to spend time with a bunch of squealing pre-teens.

Considering the girls are turning thirteen, that means they’re actually teenagers, but I don’t bother pointing that out to him. He already knows.

Not gonna lie, I’m still pissed about what happened with Willow last night, though my anger has simmered down some. I don’t know what she meant by everything she said, but she put me straight on the defensive, and it was like my overstimulated brain and exhausted body shut down. I couldn’t talk about it with her anymore.

This morning at breakfast though, she looked hotter than straight fire, which made my brain scramble just staring at her. The black dress she wore fit tight around her tits, and I swear I saw the hard beads of her nipples poking against the fabric. No bra?


Made me instantly regret I didn’t feel her up more last night. Not sure if I’m going to get a chance today either.


I could see the worry on her pretty face. Her eyes looked haunted and I caught her staring at me with longing a few times. At least, that’s what it looked like. The feeling was mutual. I’m not going to be mad at her just for anger’s sake. I’m sure she’ll apologize. And I’ll apologize too for being a gruff asshole. Hopefully that’ll make everything better.

Iris may as well have showed up to breakfast naked. Her off-white dress clung to her like a second skin and it was obvious she wore nothing underneath it. Pretty sure Brooks got a stiffy considering he didn’t budge from his seat at the dining table for a long time. Iris knew what she was doing too. That evil smile on her face said all that I needed to know.

I might be upset still with Willow, but I definitely made the right choice when it comes to the Lancaster girls. Iris is just too much for me. I don’t know how Brooks does it.

“Do we really have to hang out at this party?” Iris’s little brother Vaughn whines to us. He’s currently sitting on a giant white swan floaty and wearing a pair of classic Wayfarer Ray-Ban sunglasses, drifting across the pool with his toes dragging in the water.

“Give me a break. You’re dying to go to this party and check out the chicks.” This is from Row, who’s sitting on a lounge chair and soaking up the late summer sun.

It’s not that warm out here, but the sun is shining upon us and it feels good. Plus, the pool is heated, so it won’t be that rough jumping in.

“That’s my plan,” Beau adds. He’s Row and Willow’s little brother, and he is the spitting image of his dad. Even more so than Rowan. “You know there has to be a couple of hotties showing up.

Row makes a face, exchanging a look with my brother. “Have fun with your jailbait options.”

“Says the dude who’s also jailbait,” I mutter, slipping my glasses over my eyes. Now this is the fucking life. Lounging by the pool and relaxing on a warm Saturday. Servants at our every beck and call, and enough food to keep us fed for the next month. I thought we grew up spoiled—our childhood was nothing compared to this.

I can feel Row glaring at me. “You know what I mean.”

“I do, I do.” I lower my sunglasses to study him. He looks put out but not really. “Where’s Brooks?”

“Said he had to use the bathroom,” Row answers.