The football team yells it right along with them, high fives all around and finally, it’s our time to shine.

“And now, let’s give a hearty welcome to our league champions, the Lancaster Lions football team!”

I give the signal and we all run out on stage, crowding around Westscott, me still in the front, Brooks just to my right. The headmaster detaches the microphone from its stand to say, “Here’s our team captain and quarterback, Rhett Bennett. Give us an update on the team, Rhett.”

Westscott thrusts the mic in my face and I lean forward to speak into it since I tower over the dude. “We’ve been practicing like crazy and we’re ready to take the team all the way to the state championships this year, sir.”

“That’s the spirit!” Westscott screams, making the entire auditorium scream along with him.

I gaze out at the crowd, seeing so many of my classmates yelling and clapping and whistling. I scan the first row, locking in on one girl in particular who’s watching us with a confused look on her face.

Her brows are drawn together, her deep red lips pursed. She’s got long, dark hair pulled into a high ponytail that shows off her delicate bone structure and I don’t want to look away.

It’s like I can’t.

Goddamn, she’s beautiful.

I know the exact moment our gazes actually connect because it feels like a bolt of lightning shot straight through me, fiery hot and settling in my balls. I stare at her, Westscott’s booming voice growing distant, the screaming crowd now nothing but a dull roar.

I recognize her. Rowan Lancaster’s sister. She tilts her head to the right, her ponytail swinging, and I’m gripped with the image of me grabbing hold of her hair and tugging her head back, kissing the fuck out of her.

Blinking, I pull myself out of my stupor and say something into the mic that’s suddenly in my face again. Whatever it was I said, it’s got the crowd yelling even louder, and I tear my gaze away from the girl, realizing she’s sitting right next to Iris.

She’s cool. Cousin to Rowan. Probably the most popular girl in my class and completely untouchable. Not like we talked much last year, but we had a couple of classes together. I like her as a friend, but that’s it. She’s too blonde for me to ever be interested.

I’m surrounded by blondes. My sister Kenzie is a blonde and so is my mom, and I’m just like … nah. I prefer dark-haired girls.

Like Rowan’s sister, who’s studying me blatantly, her brows still drawn together like I might confuse the shit out of her. I wonder if she felt that bolt of lightning too when we locked eyes. If she’s electrified as I am. It’s like I can feel every part of my body—every hair standing on end, the blood pumping through my veins, my heart throbbing in my chest.

I flex my fingers. Shake my hands out and tilt my head to the left, then the right, savoring the satisfying sound of my neck cracking. Westscott is giving me an odd look, unsure of what I’m doing, and without warning, I swipe the mic right out of his hand and stride toward the front of the stage, standing almost on the edge of it.

Directly in front of her.

“We’re going to dominate this season! By the end of the year, everyone in this country will know who the Lancaster Lions are. I guarantee it!”

Everyone leaps from their seats. Even Iris. It’s like my words pushed everyone right over the edge and they’ve all lost their damn minds.

Except for her. She’s still sitting in her seat, clapping lightly, her head turning to the left, then the right, the confusion remaining in her expression. The applause is obligatory but does she even know why she’s clapping? I’m guessing no.

Our gazes lock yet again and I smile at her. She doesn’t smile back, but she keeps watching me with those big, startling blue eyes. Just before I look away, her lips curve up the slightest bit, not showing any teeth. A Mona Lisa smile if I’ve ever seen one.

Never understood that saying before until this very moment. This girl is mysterious. I may know her name, but I want more.

And I’m going to make it my mission to find out every little thing about her.



“What did you think?” Iris asks once we’ve finally exited the auditorium with the rest of the students pouring out. “Can’t help but get swept up in the school spirit, am I right?”

My nod is reluctant, as are my feelings, which I can’t even explain. “It’s definitely something.”

Iris’s steps slow and I can feel her staring at me, but I refuse to look at her. “Seriously, Willow? You didn’t like it?”

“What do you want me to say? That I’m a Lancaster Lion until the day I die?” My sarcastic tone makes me laugh, but I clamp my lips when I see the look on Iris’s face. It’s obvious she’s displeased with my reaction.

“Well, you’re exactly that. We’re more Lancaster than anyone else on this campus. Shouldn’t we show that we have school spirit?”