They approach and stop just before us, turning to each other so her father can lift the veil, revealing her face to me for the first time. He leans in and kisses her cheek as the minister asks who gives this woman to this man, just as we rehearsed yesterday. Her father says “I do,” his deep voice a little shaky, and my sympathy goes out to him.

I’m still feeling pretty shaky myself.

Marina steps up to stand beside me, and I take her hand, unable to stop from leaning in and brushing a quick kiss against her cheek. “You look beautiful,” I murmur, my voice just as shaky as her dad’s.

But I don’t care. I have no shame. I’m getting married, damn it. I’m allowed to cry. To smile. To laugh. I’m making this woman mine.



We stop at the beginning of the aisle, waiting for the cue from the music. Dad lays his hand over mine and gives it a squeeze. “You look beautiful, Marina. Your mom and I are so proud of you.”

I nod, not trusting my voice. I’m afraid I’ll start crying, and I don’t want to do that. Not yet.

“I’m going to have a talk with Gage. Tell him he better treat you right or he’ll have to answer to me,” Dad continues.

“Oh, Daddy.” My voice cracks, and I press my lips together for a brief moment to keep the sob in. Once I have it under control, I whisper, “He loves me. I know he does.”

“I know he does too, princess.” Dad pats my hand just as the music gets louder. “That’s our sign, sweetheart. Let’s do this.”

I let Dad lead me down the aisle toward Gage. He looks so handsome, the sun shining down on him, making his dark hair glint. He smiles when our eyes meet, though I know he can hardly see me through the veil.

That was the plan. I wanted to draw it out. Make him anticipate me.

When Dad lifts the veil and kisses me, I see the way Gage’s eyes widen, the sheen of tears in their depths. Oh God, if he’s going to cry, I’m definitely going to cry, and I don’t know if I can take this.

Dad hands me over to Gage, and I take my place beside him, surprised when he drops a kiss on my cheek.

“You look beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice trembling. My heart skips at his words and the sincerity behind them, the love shining in his eyes.

“So do you,” I say, because he does. My groom is gorgeous in his tux, his hair perfect, his expression nervous. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He brings our clutched hands to his mouth and kisses my knuckles, earning a disapproving noise from the minister that makes us both smile.

The ceremony starts with words of love and commitment, the sanctity of marriage, the importance of sticking together through the good times and the bad. We turn to face each other to recite our vows, and I’m overwhelmed with love for Gage as I repeat the words the minister says to me. I mean every single thing I say to Gage, and I know he feels the same way.

Matt hands over the ring, and Gage slips it on my finger, a breathtaking diamond band he chose for me months ago. Then it’s my turn, and I take the simple platinum band from Bryn and slip it on Gage’s shaking finger. He’s still nervous. Excited. I feel the same.

“I now declare you husband and wife. Gage, you may kiss your bride,” the minister says.

There’s a roaring in my ears as Gage pulls me into his arms, his face, his scent so familiar, so dear to me. I tilt my head back and close my eyes, sucking in a harsh breath when his lips light upon mine. The touch is faint and damp, a simple brush before he presses harder, deepening the kiss with a quick and eager swipe of his tongue.

I cling to him, ignoring the hoots and hollers from the crowd because, oh my God, I know we’re putting on a show. But I don’t care. Neither does Gage. I want to remember this moment forever. Want to make this one of the most memorable days of my life—of his too.

“You’re mine now, baby,” he says once we finally withdraw. I smile because he’s grinning at me, looking almost as if he’s in a daze. “It’s official and everything.”

I burst out laughing and throw my arms around his neck, giving him a sound kiss on the lips. “Whether I like it or not?” I whisper against his mouth.

“Oh, you’re going to like it.” He kisses me one more time and then steps away, my hands still clutched in his. “I’ll definitely make it worth your while.”

“Promise?” I tease.

Just then, the minister yells, “Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Gage Emerson!”

“For you, baby? Anything.”

Chapter 4