Page 25 of The Last Close Call

“So, what’s your plan?” Rowan asked him.

“I thought you had one.”

“You thought I—” She halted, noticing his sly smile.

“Kidding,” he said. “I told her I needed to talk to her about an investigation. I was pretty vague, but she seemed open to talking. So, I figured we could play it by ear.”

“That’s not much of a plan, Jack.”

He smiled. “I thought you did this all the time?”

“I do.”

Lights flashed behind them as another car came up the driveway. Rowan glanced over her shoulder as a white Range Rover slid into a space beside the Mercedes.

“Is her husband home?” Rowan asked.

“I don’t know. Why?”

She sighed and pushed open her door. “If things get awkward, follow my lead.”

They walked over to the Range Rover as the driver’s-side door opened and a woman slid out. Petite, midforties. She wore black leggings and a layered blue sports top, and her curly blond hair was pulled up in a ponytail.

“Detective Bruner?” the woman asked, looking from Rowan to Jack.

“That’s me. Joy Kendall, I take it?”


A pair of brown Yorkies sprang out of the car.

“Sorry.” Joy turned around. “Inside. Both of you.” She clucked at the dogs and pointed to the back door, and they scampered away.

Joy looked at Jack, then checked her Apple Watch. “I thought you said five thirty?”

“We’re a little early,” he said.

“That’s all right.” She turned around before Rowan could introduce herself. “Come on inside.”

Jack motioned for Rowan to go ahead, and she followed Joy down a cobblestone path and into a courtyard where two spiral-shaped topiaries flanked the back door. After letting the dogs in, Joy led them through a sparkling clean utility room and down a corridor into a kitchen.

Rowan stopped short, and Jack bumped into her.

The giant kitchen opened into a great room with a vaulted ceiling and a limestone fireplace. The room was enormous. Skyler’s barn-studio could have almost fit inside it.

Joy dropped her keys and purse on a white marble counter. “Thanks for coming, Detectives. Can I get you some water or anything?”

Rowan shot a look at Jack.

“Thanks, I’m good,” Jack said. “Ms.Kendall—”

“Call me Joy.”

“I’d like to introduce you to my colleague Rowan Healy.”

Joy turned to Rowan, seeming to really notice her for the first time.

“Rowan’s assisting with the case,” Jack said. “She’s not a detective.”