Page 12 of The Last Close Call

“Don’t,” Jack said.

“Don’t what?”

“Get too excited. We’ve been down this road before.”

Well, not “we” exactly. Bryan hadn’t been down this road at all. His work on the case had started with a callout to Evelyn Wood’s house back in November. The seven other rape cases—all of them stone cold, at this point—had happened before Bryan even got his detective’s shield.

But Jack was a different story. He’d been working this thing for years. Of course Bryan was aware of the cases—everyone knew about the West Campus Rapist. Austin was a college town, and the guy’s rampage had struck fear in the heart of every woman in the city for two long years. But then the attacks had stopped, and the story faded from the news and drifted from people’s minds.

But not Jack’s. He was still hung up on the case, to the point that some people said he was obsessed with it.

Bryan hadn’t agreed with that take—at least not until recently. His partner seemed so relaxed and laid back, Bryan had a hard time imagining him being obsessed with anything.

But that was before November. From the moment Bryan and Jack set foot inside Evelyn Wood’s bedroom two months ago, it was like a switch flipped. Jack’s whole demeanor changed as he surveyed the room. He told Bryan later that he’d walked in and experienced a sick sense of déjà vu.

Jack had been fixated on the investigation, to the exclusion of almost everything else, ever since.

Bryan watched Jack now as he scrolled through a police report on his computer. It was the San Antonio homicide from three days ago. Jack believed that case was connected, too, although Bryan wasn’t convinced.

Jack glanced up. “What?”

Bryan leaned back in his chair. “So, what’s her timeline?” he asked, getting back to the genealogist.

“I gave her the file. She’s on it.”

“Did you tell her we’re in a hurry? This isn’t just some cold case?”

“She understands.”

Bryan studied his partner’s expression. “I’m surprised you’re not more excited. You’ve been trying to pin her down for weeks.”

“If she delivers? Then I’ll get excited.”

“Ric said she’s the best.”

“Yeah, well. Let’s see what she does.”


Jack tapped the brakes as he approached the low-water bridge.

“I just talked to Heidi,” Liz said over the phone. “The labs are in on that homicide.”


“Yeah, and everything’s negative for DNA.”

“Nothing at all?”


Jack cursed.

“Tell me about it,” Liz said.

Liz Lasco specialized in sex crimes and had interviewed WCR’s victims after the attacks, collecting an amazing number of key details. Coaxing information from traumatized rape victims was difficult but necessary. Liz’s interview skills were unparalleled, and Jack knew his investigation would be nowhere without her.

“So, no DNA, but same lubricant,” Liz continued. “Which means we know he used a condom. That’s what we expected though, right? I mean, no prints, either, so we already knew he wore gloves. This guy’s meticulous.”