“I’m waiting on my partner.”
“Oh.” A lock of dark hair blew against her cheek, and she peeled it away. “So, I’ve been thinking about your problem.”
“Which problem is that?”
“Locating your suspect.” Her brow furrowed. “Assuming you haven’t found him yet, that is.”
When he didn’t confirm or deny that, she dug into her purse and pulled out a folded slip of paper.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“A reference for you. This is my friend Dara, a local PI. I’ve used her on some of my cases when the biological parents have been hard to track down. She specializes in locates.”
Jack didn’t take the paper.
“She’s expecting your call,” Rowan said.
“You told her—”
“I didn’t reveal what it was about. You can tell her as much or as little as you want. She owes me a favor, and she’s willing to help you pro bono.” She pushed the paper toward him. “You may as well call her since you’re striking out.”
“What makes you so sure I’m striking out?”
“Well, aren’t you?”
He gazed down at her, strangely turned on by the impatient look on her face.
“I don’t need a PI.”
“It’s just a resource, like anything else.” She held the paper out again, determined for him to take it. “Don’t be stubborn, Jack.”
He smiled. “I’m stubborn?”
She glared up at him, and he felt a warm shot of lust. He hadn’t expected to see her today, and now she was standing here picking an argument with him outside police headquarters.
He took the paper and slipped it in his pocket. “Thank you.”
“Will you call her?”
“You won’t be sorry, trust me. She gets results.”
Pedestrians streamed around them as she stared up at him, cheeks flushed. She looked cold again, even though she had a jacket, and he had the urge to pull her close and warm her up. She was wearing the same cherry ChapStick she’d been wearing last night, and he wanted to taste it again.
They turned to see Bryan walking over.
“Got you a taco.” Bryan handed Jack a white paper bag, but his attention was fixed on Rowan.
Jack sighed. “Bryan Hunt, this is Rowan Healy, the genealogist who is helping us.”
“Rowan.” Bryan tucked his bag of tacos under his arm and offered her his hand. “Very nice to meet you.”
“You too.”