Evie waited until the third ring to pick up.
“Are you bailing?” Hannah asked.
“Evie, you promised.”
“I’m not up for it tonight.” She stripped off the sexy black tank top that she’d ridiculously put on earlier—because Drew liked it—and grabbed her terry cloth robe off the chair.
“What happened?” Hannah asked over the din of conversation, and Evie pictured her sister in the crowded sports bar where they had planned to meet.
“Not nothing. Spill it.”
Evie tied the belt and sighed. “I saw him tonight.”
“Drew. He came by to get Bella after work.”
Or at least, he’d claimed he had come from work. Given the beer on his breath, he had probably been to a happy hour with “the team” first.
“Oh, Eves. I’m sorry.”
She padded barefoot across the hardwood floors that she and Drew had happily picked out together. After checking the lock on the patio door, she peered out at the dim yard. Her daughter’s swing swayed in the breeze, and her Big Wheel sat abandoned on a carpet of crunchy brown leaves.
“I know that sucks,” Hannah said. “Why don’t you come out with us? You’ll feel better.”
“I’m already in bed.”
“You are not. It’s barely nine o’clock.”
Evie returned to the bottle of merlot by the fridge and topped off her glass.
“Come on,” Hannah persisted. “We’re playing darts. Blake says he’ll even let you win.”
Evie smiled. Her sister’s boyfriend was a gem, a genuine nice guy. But she didn’t want to be a third wheel again.
“Really, I’m not up for it.”
“Well.” She heard the resignation in Hannah’s voice. “You’re still coming Thursday, right?”
“Absolutely.” She took a hearty swig at the thought of her sister’s Thanksgiving potluck, which was sure to be an awkward mix of friends and coworkers. Evie had offered to bring a pie, but Hannah had assigned her mashed potatoes in a transparent attempt to make sure she didn’t cancel.
“What time are we eating again?” Evie asked.
“Um... I don’t know. Four, probably?”
So eight, then. Which was fine. Evie would be there all evening, which would cut into the ice cream binge that would inevitably accompany her first holiday in six years without Drew.
And Bella’s first holiday ever without her mother.
Tears burned Evie’s eyes, and she took another gulp.
“So get this,” she told Hannah. “He took my silver locket.” Fury tightened her chest as soon as the words were out. “You know the one he gave me for Mother’s Day? He stole it right out of my jewelry box.”