Page 107 of Final Strike

“I can’t believe you’re here,” he whispered to her.

“I couldn’t just let you die,” she said, grinning as she wiped away tears. “You need someone to look after you.”

“Where are the others? Are they safe?”

Suki nodded vigorously. “With Mom. Jane Louise is too.”

Her dad lowered his head and sighed in relief. “I kicked Jacob, and he fell off the pyramid. I don’t know if he’s still alive.”

“Oh, he’s dead,” Suki assured him.

“Are you sure?”

“Um. Yeah. I saved Angélica, and she stabbed him in the heart.”

“Return to Cozumel,” Ezequiel said, his voice booming. “This land must be purged for the awful murders it has done. We must prepare for His coming. It is nigh.”

Suki helped her dad to his feet.

Jordan motioned for the other men to gather around them. Some were leaders—she had no idea who they were, but they looked disturbed by the angel’s presence.

The angel looked sternly at them. “Prepare for His coming. Your worldly kingdoms are soon to end.”

Angélica looked fearful, but the angel didn’t object when she joined them. The crowds below had begun to trample each other in their haste to escape the light-shrouded figure. He strode to the edge of the pyramid, looking down.

“Let the purging begin,” he declared. Light exploded from his body.

“Rapinik,” Suki breathed. The magic of the Maya whisked them away, back to Cozumel.




January 10

It was a gut-wrenching feeling, like the Avatar ride at Disney World meeting Highway 17 through the Santa Cruz Mountains. When the motion suddenly stopped, Roth dropped to his knees and promptly began turning his body inside out once again. He smelled the jungle still, but there was a different odor here, a more tropical one.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Jordan shouted in alarm. “What’s going on here?”

“Es okay, es okay,” said a comforting, familiar voice. Roth recognized it instantly. It was Jorge from Huellas de Pan.

“Captain! Captain! Where are you?” Jordan called out.

Roth wiped spittle from his lips on the back of his hand and looked up, still too dizzy to stand. He was kneeling in a parking lot, near a gift shop with a thatched roof. He recognized it as the parking lot of the ruins of San Gervasio in Cozumel.

Jordan had his rifle up and was aiming it at Jorge, who approached with his hands up in a soothing gesture. No one else was in the area.

“No hurt,” Jorge said. “No hurt.”

“Who is this guy? Where is everyone?” Jordan asked, his voice trembling with emotion. He’d just been in the middle of an intense situation and was still in soldier mode.

Suki stepped in front of the barrel of Jordan’s gun, and Roth almost swallowed his tongue. “Drop it, Jordan!”

“I don’t know who this is, friendly or not,” Jordan said. “Suki, step aside.”

“He’s our friend,” Suki explained. “Please . . . just lower your weapon. I’ll talk to him.”