“I told you already, it’s a surprise.”
Alice did not like surprises. Which she’d already told him. And he’d ignored. “Give me a clue at least? Will there be food there?”
Brady’s throaty chuckle filled the cab. “You think I wouldn’t feed you? I don’t have a death wish, sweetness. I’ve seen what you’re like when you get hangry.”
“So we’re going to a restaurant?” Alice ignored the hangry jab and fluttered her lashes his way. “Is it the Italian with those risotto balls I like?”
He laughed again, but gave nothing away. “You’ll just have to wait and see, sweetness.”
Letting out a frustrated groan, Alice slumped back into her seat.
It was ten whole minutes before she was put out of her misery, which was very quick to turn into what could only be described as child-like wonder.
“No freaking way!” she exclaimed as her jaw dropped open.
“Way,” Brady confirmed. “What do you think?”
What did she think? She thought Brady damn Mitchell could read her like a book. “A carnival?” Her eyes darted to him. “You found me a carnival?”
“You wanted to go to one, right?” Brady’s smile slipped as he suddenly looked unsure.
Hell yeah, she did. Something she’d only told him once before when they’d been watching a documentary about a carnival killer. She just didn’t think he’d remember or that there would be one so close to Bluestone anytime soon. And one on tonight. Today of all days.
“I just can’t believe you found one, running tonight as well!”
Back was his smile. “I was gonna take you this weekend, it’s on all week, but after the news you had today, why wait?”
Alice threw herself across the cab and into Brady’s arms. Curling into his chest, she felt something she’d never felt before. And it scared the crap out of her.
“Now, they don’t have the risotto balls you like,” Brady whispered into her hair as he tightened his hold on her, “but I have it on good authority that they have the best corndogs in Montana.”
Food was the last thing on her mind right now. She needed a shot. Or five.
It was girls’ night. Alice, Lily, and Sam were dancing up a storm at Mickey’s completely sober. The lack of drinking was mostly in solidarity for her sister’s very pregnant state. But Alice wasn’t all that cut up about the lack of alcohol. Who needed shots when there were burgers, fries and more fries?
“Three more lemonades, ladies?” Teddy asked as they caught their breath at the bar.
“Please.” Alice grinned and then turned to the other two. “Shall we grab a table? I need to sit the next song out, or maybe the next ten.”
“I’ll grab the one in the corner, you guys get the drinks,” Sam announced before flipping her long braid over her shoulder and marching toward the table.
It was a busy Friday night at Mickey’s and it felt like the whole town was here. The jukebox belted out country classics while groups huddled around the scratched wooden tables. As she made her way over to Sam, drinks in hand, she spotted Ryan. A familiar smirk on his face as he charmed a young blonde thing. She thought back to Brady and how jealous he’d been of Ryan and couldn’t help but smile at the memory.
“What are you smiling about?” Lily obviously noticed.
Alice ignored her sister and took a big gulp of her drink, hoping the distraction was enough for her to let it go. Lily continued to eye Alice as she sat down next to Sam.
“So ...” Sam twisted to face her, and Alice knew this wasn’t going to be good. “How are things going with Brady?”
Kill me now.
“Um ... fine.”
“Oh no you don’t, Ali. We want details,” Lily beamed. “It’s girls’ night—you know the rules. No holding back.”
“Yes, but I agreed to the rules under duress. I thought we would all be pissed out of our minds, which is the only proper way to spill one’s guts. Instead, I’m here, sober as a church mouse, and you fuckers will remember everything I say tomorrow.”