“Good point. Now, to save time, why don’t you just tell me what’s going on with Brady?”
“You know what’s going on.”
“No. I thought I knew, but then I saw you guys making out like horny teenagers in my garden. And let me tell you, Ali, there wasn’t a damn thing casual about that kiss, and you know it.”
Alice let out a very long, slightly dramatic sigh. More questions that she didn’t have an answer for. This thing with Brady wasn’t supposed to turn into such a complicated mess. It was just supposed to be fun. A release. An indulgence. Why did anyone have to find out, and why was her sister so damn nosy? “Look, sis, we’re hooking up. I hate to break it to you, but kissing is probably the least scandalous thing we’ve been doing to each other.”
“Fine. What about the other stuff then? The hand holding, the general holding of you, and... and all the caveman shit. Brady was putting out one hell of a vibe, which basically said to every other male in the vicinity, back the fuck off, she’s mine.”
Alice groaned. She knew it. She knew it wasn’t all in her head. Taking a big gulp of her hot chocolate, she hoped the sugar would ease some of her newfound tension. “Honestly, I don’t really know how to answer that. You have to understand, we’ve never had to do this stuff in public before. When it was just us, it was simpler. Easier. Now, we have the whole town watching us, and I don’t think either of us know how to deal with that. When we’re alone... it doesn’t matter if he ... or if we ... anyway. You get what I’m saying, right?”
“Okay.” Lily said the word suspiciously slow. “So when you’re alone I take it you’re not having non-stop sex the whole time. You guys must hang out, right? Watch some TV, sleep ...? He probably holds you when you’re in bed together or on the couch, that kind of stuff?”
Why does this feel like a trap?
“Yeah, I guess. So?” Alice wasn’t sure she was going to like her sister’s answer.
“Oh my God, Ali, I love you, but sometimes ...”
Alice didn’t get to hear the end of that sentence, because a customer walked into the store. Which was probably a good thing, especially as she was fairly sure she was about to be insulted. This was her chance to escape.
“See you later, Lilypad.” She waved as she hurried over to the door before her sister could stop her.
By the time she heard her sister loudly sigh, her feet had hit the pavement.
Alice glared at the office landline currently screeching on her desk. Stupid phone was mocking her. She still had a good twenty minutes of her lunch break left, which she planned on spending scrolling through her actual phone.
I knew I should have gone out.
“What’s up, Sabrina?” she tiredly answered.
“Hi, Alice, your boyfriend is here to see you, can I send him through?”
Alice winced at the general cheeriness of the receptionist’s voice. Boyfriend? Damn it, Brady.
“Sure, why not,” she sarcastically replied.
This was new. Although they’d run into each other slightly more frequently this week, Brady hadn’t shown up at her work before. Well, not since before their arrangement anyway.
The door creaked open to reveal the irresistible tan uniform that might as well have been painted on. But the uniform wasn’t the only thing to catch her attention. He came bearing gifts. He was balancing two takeaway cups and a single brown bag.
She stood at his greeting and watched as he took a few steps toward her. Once he was close enough, he dipped down to graze her lips with his. She silently cursed her body for instantly craving more. As if he could read her mind, he slowly pulled back, revealing a mischievous smirk and a twinkle in his eyes.
“Later, baby.” He winked. “Right now, I have a different kind of treat for you.” He handed over one of the cups and the bag. “Hot chocolate with extra cream and one of those brownies you like.”
She eyed the items and him suspiciously, unsure of what to make of such a thoughtful gesture. “Okay. Thank you.” Those intense brown eyes bore into her, studying her reaction. “As much as I appreciate the diabetes drop, I didn’t think we were seeing each other until tomorrow?”
“Yeah, about that, I was thinking I could come over tonight. We’ve not spent the night at your place before, and I figured now that everyone knows about us ...”
“So you wanna do tonight instead of tomorrow?”
“I didn’t say that, sweetness.” He flashed her that panty-dropping smile. “I said, I wanna come over tonight. Then tomorrow night you’ll come to my place. I’m cooking your favourite.”
“Brady—” Before she could finish her protest, his mouth was back on hers.