Next time I’ll introduce you. As what? The girl you occasionally bang?
“Does he drop by a lot?”
“No. He was checking up on me.”
“Oh.” She spooned another meatball into her mouth, needing the spicy courage to push for more information. When she finally finished chewing, she took her opening. “He was worried about you ... is that because of your discharge?”
“If I answer, can we change the subject?”
She nodded, twisting more spaghetti around her fork.
“The day I got my injury, another member of the team was with me and ... and he didn’t make it.”
Shit. Did he just say?
Everything was starting to make a lot more sense. He lost more than his career that fateful day, he lost a brother too.
She wanted to know more. Ask him who he lost, how he went, what the circumstances were. But she knew that was it. That was all she was getting. End of story. And he had no intention of elaborating.
“Jesus Christ,” Brady panted, rolling onto his back. “You could make a man lose his goddamn mind.” He tucked Alice into his side and coaxed her head onto his chest. His heart was still hammering. If he wasn’t ruined before, there was no doubt he was now.
It was the third weekend they’d spent together, and the more time that went on, the more Alice was opening up to him. There was nothing casual about what they were doing. Not that she would ever admit it. Yes, they were having a ridiculous amount of sex, but that’s not all they were doing. Brady would cook for them, they’d cuddle on the couch together and watch documentaries, and they’d talk. Not just about superficial stuff anymore, they were beyond that.
“I think you broke me.” Alice dragged her fingertips down the length of his torso, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” A tinge of panic coated his words.
“No.” She sniggered. “But I don’t think I can do that again until you feed and water me.”
He lifted slightly to press his lips against the top of her head. “Whatever you want, sweetness. I just need a few minutes, and then I’ll make us something to eat.”
And he did need those extra few minutes. He was no fool. Alice Hart was naked in his arms, and he was going to enjoy it for as long as possible. He let his fingers glide down her exposed back, the feel of the creamy, satin texture still managing to electrify every nerve ending he possessed.
Damnit. I want to keep her.