Ace followed Brady inside and straight to the kitchen, where he removed two bottles and handed one over. They both leaned against opposite granite countertops as they took their first swigs, the cool liquid easing some of Brady’s initial shock.
“Come on. Out with it,” he goaded.
Ace simply shrugged. “We’re worried about you, man. You’ve stopped returning our calls. I know what happened hit you hard ... but cutting yourself off isn’t the answer.”
“Oh yeah? So did you come all this way to tell me what the answer is?”
“How ’bout we start by talking to your damn brothers?”
He knew his friend meant well, but the last thing he wanted to do was have a heart-to-heart. So, he did what he did best. Avoided it.
“Listen, man, I need to get cleaned up. Can we have this discussion later?” Or never. “I take it you’re staying?”
His friend studied him for a minute before clapping him on the back again. “Damn right I’m staying. Go shower. I’m gonna order some food—I’m starved.”
Last night, Brady actually managed to get some sleep. After his shower, they drank some more beer and ate pizza while Ace caught him up on what was new with his old team. They’d steered clear of any heavy topics, for which Brady was grateful. But today, Ace wanted out of the house. Which was why Brady’s nostrils were currently filled with bacon grease as he ate his breakfast in the diner, hoping to Christ he didn’t run into Alice.
“You worried Dotty is gonna take you out, brother?” Ace raised an eyebrow at him. “’Cause I reckon you could take her.”
No, I’m not worried a little old lady is gonna kill me. But a sexy as fuck brunette might.
“Fuck off,” was the only answer Brady was prepared to give.
By the time they were done and filled up on coffee and pancakes, Brady was itching to get back home. He was in the middle of thinking of how he could convince Ace to spend his leave helping him finish his bathroom, when she walked in. How Brady knew it was her before even looking up was a mystery, but he knew nonetheless.
Ace followed Brady’s gaze, turning his head slightly to take in the view. And what a view it was. Alice must have been on her way to work because that was the only time she wore those glorious yoga pants and her cropped tank top. Her dark waves were down and wild, just the way he liked them.
Fuck me, she looks good.
And just like that, all the memories of that kiss—the best kiss he’d ever had—came hurtling back to him.
“Damn. Who is that?”
The innocent question shouldn’t make him want to beat the living daylights out of his friend, yet it did. A burst of irrational jealousy had overtaken Brady, and he had no idea what to do with it. She wasn’t his woman. He had no claim on her.
“Not your concern,” he replied anyway as he felt his jaw clench.
Ace’s deep, rumbling laugh was loud enough to cause Alice’s head to snap in their direction.
Shit. Do I wave? Smile? Apologise for sticking my tongue down her throat?
He didn’t manage to come to any sort of conclusion, so he was still staring at her in shock when she turned around and walked out of the diner.
“So ... you gonna tell me who she is and why you look like someone pissed in your Wheaties?”
Brady let out a heavy sigh. He was damn sick of watching Alice Hart walk away from him. “It’s complicated.”
“I’ll bet. I got nothing but time, man.” Ace stretched out, casually folding his arms behind his head. “It’s your choice. You can tell me about the hot brunette, or we can talk about what happened in the sandbox.”
That was how Brady found himself telling his brother all about Alice Hart. He didn’t hold back either. He’d already held in these feelings for her for far too long as it was.
Brady started with how she was probably the most infuriating woman he’d ever met, but he also didn’t forget to mention how she was the most beautiful one too. Add in how funny the woman was, and the best damn kiss of his life, Brady didn’t need his friend to tell him he was screwed. Brady knew it already. Knew it the moment he’d gotten his first taste of her. There was no going back now.