“And when exactly was the last time we had a conversation, Brady? I don’t exactly remember you discussing the state of the Middle East with me in between insults?”
Shit. She’s right. All we ever do is bicker.
“Fine. Then let’s change that. Stay and ... let’s talk.”
Her twisting out of his hold and stomping away was the only answer he got. Excellent. He let out a heavy sigh before following her.
He waited until they were out of sight of the guests before closing the distance between them, but she wasn’t stopping. The only thing he could do was place himself physically in front of her in an attempt to stop her in her tracks. Stepping to block her every time she tried to go around him wasn’t the most mature thing he’d done that day, but if that’s what it took to get her to talk to him, then so be it.
“Brady Mitchell. Get the fuck out of my way before I throat-punch you.”
“I don’t recommend assaulting a police officer, sweetness.”
An adorable growl left her lips. “You just can’t take a hint, can you? I have nothing to say to you, Brady. Nothing. I’m done with whatever this is.” She motioned between them. “I don’t have the emotional energy to deal with your shit anymore. I need some sort of truce.”
“A truce?”
“Yeah. If we don’t talk, then we won’t fight. So, we see each other, we each go our separate ways?”
“No.” After having first-hand experience of her walking away from him all week, there wasn’t a chance in hell he would agree to that.
“Perfect. We’re back to one-word answers. No. Just no. I don’t get any more than that?”
“Has it ever occurred to you that I like talking to you, sweetness? Look, I’m sorry about what happened the other day. I was out of line. I know you wouldn’t use my injury against me ... I don’t know why I even said that.”
The lines pinched between her brows, unwrinkled, but the rest of her features remained suspicious. “Okay ... Well, thank you for the apology, I guess. But you’re basically admitting that you enjoy fighting with me.”
“And so what if I do?”
If her expression was anything to go by, that was the wrong thing to say.
“I’m not you’re personal punching bag, Brady. Someone you can just go around taking your anger out on. Believe it or not, I don’t enjoy arguing with you. I’ve actually had enough of guys treating me like shit.”
For once, he didn’t have an answer or a snappy comeback. There was nothing he could really say to that. That was just sad. Sad that men had treated her like that and sad that she had lumped him in with said men. He didn’t stop her when she stepped past him. There was no point. Not until he knew how to fix this.