Page 55 of Expiry Dating

Do I? Is he right? Do I deserve to be happy?

He wanted to fight for her. He really did. Life was too short, and he loved her too damn much to let her just walk away. But his love for her was never in question, what was, was whether he could make her as happy as she made him. And he still didn’t know the answer.

He didn’t have time to think about that though. Not when his friend needed him. When he was back in Bluestone, he’d go to Alice. Explain everything. But right now, he needed to be there for Ace.


Ace was awake when Brady returned with coffee. He could tell straight away that the painkillers were already wearing off as he watched his friend grimace with every movement.

“You know, if you wanted me to visit so badly you could have just called.”

“Ha fucking ha.”

Brady felt a pang of relief as one corner of Ace’s mouth tipped up. He was going to be okay.

“How you feeling, brother?”

“Like a fucking bomb exploded.”

“Sounds about right.” Brady settled into the seat next to Ace’s bed. “Seriously, though, man, how are you really doing?”

There was a moment of silence before Ace spoke. “They’re done with me, aren’t they?” The pain in his voice twisted a familiar knot in Brady’s stomach. It wasn’t too long ago that their roles were reversed and he was asking Ace the very same question.

“Fuck ’em. Come to Bluestone. I’ll set you up with a place, a job, anything you need, man. Just say the word.”

A chorus of curses left Ace’s mouth, and Brady could only watch on. He didn’t have any sage advice or encouraging sentiments. He only had himself to offer, and that would have to be good enough.


Alice had spent a good few days going out of her way to avoid Brady until she finally realised he’d skipped town. Where he’d gone was still a mystery. All she knew was that he’d taken some vacation days, turned his phone off, and forgotten to tell anyone where he was going. The sheriff was less than impressed when she demanded Brady’s location. Let’s just say, she was not going to be on his Christmas card list this year.

Currently in Get Pied, drowning her sorrows in peach pie, she was trying her hardest not to think about him. But, of course, she was failing miserably.

Where the hell is he?

She needed to stop obsessing. It was getting her nowhere. She was the one who walked out on him. She was the one who left. But it was for the best, wasn’t it?