Page 46 of Expiry Dating

That felt like a slap to the face. All she could do was nod as she pushed the bar door open.


“I spoke to Linda the other day, and she was saying they’re looking for another physiotherapist for that football club. She mentioned how perfect you were for the job. They wouldn’t even need you to come back for an interview, they can just do one of those video thingamajigs.”

Alice pulled the phone away from her ear, so she didn’t groan right into the speaker. “Mum, who the hell is Linda, and why exactly is she trying to get me a job at a fricking football club?”

“Don’t take that tone with me, Alice. Linda is a lovely woman I’ll have you know, and she is going above and beyond putting you forward for this job.”


Alice sank into Brady’s comfy couch and took some solace in the fact he wasn’t here to witness this absurd conversation with her mother. One that had been long overdue, seeing as Alice had spent the past few weeks dodging her calls. Which meant poor Lily had been receiving even more calls than usual from their mother.

That reminds me, I should buy Lily a cake or something. To say thank you for taking one for the team.

“Well, thank fuck for Linda.” Alice rolled her eyes.

“Language!” her mother scolded.

“Mum, I’ve told you a million times I’m not moving back. I like it here. I like being near Lily, and in case you’ve forgotten, I’m gonna be an aunt pretty soon and Lily is gonna need me.”

As bad as she felt leaving her mother alone in London, she knew in her heart she needed to be here. Not just for Lily, but for herself too.

“You think I’ve forgotten? It’s bad enough that one of my daughters and soon-to-be grandchild are in another country. But now you? Don’t you think I’ve lost enough to Bluestone County as it is?”

Perfect. Must be time for a guilt trip.

Alice hefted herself out of the navy cushions and strode toward the kitchen. Today’s guilt trip was going to be served with a side of something alcoholic. Sadly, her choices were limited. It was beer or whisky.

“Whisky it is,” she mumbled to herself as her mother continued to tell her how hard it has been since her daughters had decided to abandon her. Alice knew better though. Her mother wanted her and Lily there so she could distract herself from a life with Alice’s dad. It was obvious that her mother wasn’t in the happiest marriage. One day Alice hoped her mum would leave. Choose herself for once.

A generous serving later, she returned to the couch and sagged back into the cushions. Just as she was ready to down her drink in one, the chime of keys turning in the front door brought her attention over to the hallway.

Brady’s buff body was in view within seconds, sending tingles all over her. He looked so good in that uniform. Last week he’d given her a key so she could let herself in if he got waylaid at work. Tonight was the first time she’d used it. Judging by the smile on his face, he was pretty happy about that.

After returning his smile and a slightly dorky wave, she attempted to wrap up the call. “Mum, I gotta go. Tell Linda thank you for thinking of me, but as of right now, I’d rather shave my legs with a chainsaw than take that job.”

“So bloody dramatic.”

“Yeah, Mum, I wonder who I got that from?”

Once she’d finally gotten her mother off the phone, she jumped up into Brady’s arms, who was still leaning against the doorframe. He picked her up with ease, and she wrapped her legs around him, embracing the warmth engulfing her.

Ever since Alice had stopped second-guessing herself, things between her and Brady had been so much easier. So what if people thought they were in a relationship? And who cares that they do so-called “couple things”? All that mattered was Brady knew where she stood, and he was okay with it.

“What’s this I hear about chainsaws and a job?” His grin widened as he squeezed her behind.

“Oh, you know, just your standard run-of-the-mill serial killer job vacancy.”

“Is that so?” His chuckle had her own body vibrating in unison.

“Yep, maybe you should handcuff me, Deputy, make sure I don’t get into any trouble?”

She knew she wouldn’t have to ask him twice. Which was lucky because she had an itch that only Brady Mitchell could scratch.


Alice was in the middle of doing the unthinkable. She was cooking. All right, so it wasn’t the unthinkable, but it was a big deal. Brady was normally the one who cooked, but as he had been spending quite a bit of time at her place lately, she thought she would return the favour.