Page 36 of Expiry Dating


Brady had spent the last hour doing paperwork in his office, and there was still more to go. Just the thought had him heavily sighing out loud.

It had been a long day, the evidence of which was currently strewn across his desk. His tiredness from last night also wasn’t helping. He’d downed four cups of coffee already and all it had left him with was the shakes. Talking Alice down from the ledge had affected him more than it probably should. Despite convincing her to stay, he’d spent most of the night awake, holding her tight for fear she’d change her mind.

Deep down he knew she was just scared of getting hurt again. But it was getting harder to deny what they’d become, and, in all honesty, he was getting sick of denying it.

“Knock, knock.”

Jake’s deep voice pulled Brady from his thoughts. He glanced up to find his friend casually leaning on the doorway, black Stetson firmly in place. The hat shadowed his face, making it hard for Brady to read his expression.

“Jake. What are you doing here?”

Jake pushed up his hat, and Brady was relieved to see a broad grin across his friend’s face. “I think you know what I’m doing here. You and Ali, huh?”

Brady motioned toward the empty seat opposite his desk and waited for Jake to sit. Brady was ready for this conversation ever since Alice had told him news of them was circulating. He’d spent the past few weeks feeling like a dick for sneaking around behind Jake’s back, so in a way he was relieved it was finally out in the open.

“Yeah. Me and Ali. Surprise.” His flat tone only caused Jake’s grin to widen.

“Okay ... and why is it I had to hear the news from my wife?”

“Sorry, man. Ali doesn’t really want people knowing, so we had to keep it on the down-low.” Even hearing himself admit that had his stomach twisting.

“So you’re not taking advantage of my sister-in-law then?”

Brady shook his head. “No, man, it’s not like that. This isn’t just some hook-up for me. I really like her ... a lot.”

Jake let out a deep breath. “I’ve known you all my life, Brady, and I know this isn’t just some sort of hook-up for you. I know you like her too. Fuck, man, I knew you liked her when you guys were at each other’s throats in Vegas. But the real question is, have you told her just how much? ’Cause according to my wife, Ali is under the impression this thing is just something casual.”

Jake not wanting to kick Brady’s ass was definitely good news. But the fact that Alice was telling her sister that what they had was just sex was pretty damn devastating. He found himself rubbing his chest, as if he could fix the ache that was now forming.

Stop being such a pussy.

He needed to stay strong. Just because she wasn’t ready, it didn’t mean she wasn’t feeling the same things as him. If she wasn’t, then she wouldn’t have freaked out so much last night. She also wouldn’t have threatened to change the rules and then caved so easily when he rejected them.

“Yeah, well, Ali is in denial at the moment.” Brady didn’t notice he was dragging his hand down his face until his day-old stubble pricked his palm. “We both know it’s more than what she pretends it is, but I guess she’s just not ready to admit it yet.”

Jake nodded in understanding. “I’m sorry, man, that sucks.”

“It is what it is. But one thing’s for sure. Now that I have her, I’m not gonna let her go without one hell of a fight.” And that was true. Brady wasn’t. He knew what they had, even if she didn’t yet.

“Just don’t hurt her, Brady. She’s been through enough.” Jake rose from the squeaky plastic chair. “She’s basically my sister now, so sister rules apply. If you fuck her over, then I’ll have to kick your ass.”

Brady let out a chuckle. He had no doubt. Thankfully, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. But he had a feeling Alice Hart sure as hell could hurt him. “Trust me, man, I have no intention of hurting her.”

“Come to the barbecue on Friday—it’s been a while. Bring Ali with you.”