Page 30 of Expiry Dating

Mother of his child? Holy shit.

“Listen, Rob.” It was Brady’s turn to talk now. “I don’t want to have to kick your ass, but if you threaten my woman again, you’re gonna leave me no other choice.”

“Your woman?” Rob’s words dripped with disdain. He turned his attention back to Alice. “Where the hell did you find this Neanderthal?”

Her smile told Brady everything he needed to know.

“If you don’t want me to insult your choice of partner, Rob, I suggest you don’t insult mine. I think we’re done here.”

Brady took the hint and scooted out of his seat, holding out his hand so he could help her out too.

“Have a nice life, Rob. Oh, and lose my number.”

“Ali ...”

That was when they left the café, hands entwined, and didn’t look back.


Alice really thought that seeing Rob would hurt like hell, but she’d been wrong. It wasn’t like it was all sunshine and rainbows though, either. The first thing that had come out of his mouth was Becky’s name, which normally would have pressed her bitch button, but then Brady had shown up. And as much as she wanted to be mad at him for ignoring her wishes, she just couldn’t. Because seeing him there, having him next to her, was what she had needed.

It wasn’t that it wasn’t fun to make Rob jealous; it was. But Brady’s presence had given her so much more than that. It was a reminder of the type of woman that she was. She was strong, she was enough, and she was a hell of a lot better off without that cheating scumbag in her life.

“The place you were going to take me to today ... will you take me there?” She turned her head slightly to look over at Brady. His eyes were firmly on the road.

“If that’s what you want, sweetness.” His normally gravelly voice was gentle.

“It is.” She gazed at the road ahead and let out a breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding.

They settled into a comfortable quiet during the drive, which she appreciated. She needed some time to sort out all the cluttered crap rustling around in her mind. It wasn’t until they’d reached the outskirts of Bluestone that Brady broke the silence.

“Just down there is where I grew up.”

She followed his pointed finger to the turning up ahead. A sudden urge to see where a miniature Brady grew up took control of her mouth. “Can you show me?”

Why did she want to see? She had no frigging clue. But for some reason, it felt important. Like he was letting her see a side of him he rarely showed anyone else, if at all.